Xiang Baharroth

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Character Info.

Name: Xiang Baharroth

Alias's: Black Lotus, Warchild, Darkstar

D.O.B: N/A

Age: Mid Thirties

Sex: Dick-Girl (Cock-Balls, No Pussy)

Race: Human

Species: Mutant

Height: 6' 1" (186cm)

Weight: 206lbs (93kg)

Hair: Purple

Skin: Blue

Eyes: Pink Amethyst

Build: Athletic/Toned/Muscular

Bust: 36 JJ (Large Firm Natural Breasts) 

Cock Size Flaccid: 9" length, 3" circumference

Cock Size Erect: 12" length, 4.5" circumference.

Balls: Tight egg shaped 

Semen Output: 14oz. 414ml (per day)

Tattoos: None

Piercings: Bar Bell Piercing (Both Nipples)

Occupation: Mercenary, Bounty Hunter, Private Security.

Hobbies: Target Shooting, Weapon Maintenance, Vehicle Repair, Incest (With hir daughters, daughter-in-laws whether daughters wife or sons), Smoking, Drinking, Sex (With females) 

Family: Aurellia Baharroth (Mother/Elder Sister), Tanzra Baharroth (Father/Grandfather), Raven Baharroth (Step-Mother), Aurellia Aurora Baharroth (Half-Sister, named after hir Mother/Sister), Maya Baharroth (Half-Sister), Acheron Lucien Baharroth (Half-Brother)

Children: N/A

Equipment: Assault Rifles, Sub-Machine Guns, Shotguns, Handguns, Light-Machine-Guns, Rocket-Propelled Grenades, Grenade Launchers, Claymores, Anti-Armor Mines, Anti-Personel Mines, Tripwire, Flashbang/Stun Grenades, Fragmentation Grenades, C-4, Demolition Charges, Breaching Charges, Combat Knives, Riot Shields, Portable Plasma Cutters

Ammunition Types: Standard, Full Metal Jacket, Hollow Point, Armor Piercing, Incendiary, Dragon's Breath, Slug, Riot Bags.

Modes of Transport: On foot, Various Vehicles Both Civilian & Military

Mutant Power: Personal Energy Manipulation.

Mutant Ability: Energy Infusion

Energy Infusion: Allows Xiang to infuse energy into hir weapons, either encasing projectiles in a shell of energy that aids in penetrating through objects or defenses

Energy Projectiles: Allows Xiang to create projectile ammunition out of energy matching the caliber of firearm used however being made of energy these projectiles explode violently on impact as the energy density packed within is double that of the solid projectile.

Enhanced Regeneration: Xiang possesses the power to heal at a level beyond that of the peak members of humans/mutants, hirs possessing two tiers or levels in its capabilities.

Level II - Ailments: This level/type of regeneration is special in that this level makes Xiang immune to damage done by any form of contaminants, diseases, and infections, including but not limited to strokes, Ischemic heart disease, AIDS, diabetes, cancers, radiation etc. Though, certain conditions such as Alzheimer's that do not cause physical damage to the body can't be healed by this level of regeneration.

Level III - Fatal: This level of Enhanced Regeneration is the traditional and most common level of Enhanced Regeneration, which means Xiang can heal from injuries that would be fatal and unsurvivable for regular humans, such as disembowelment/evisceration, horizontal bisection, complete organ destruction, severe damage to the brain, spinal cord and nervous system, impalement etc. Users would be able to regenerate lost limbs or even massive chunks of their bodies, but the weakness to this level is Xiang cannot survive if hir head is severed completely from hir body {meaning full on decapitation in whatever manner it is done}, complete brain destruction {meaning not a single piece of brain matter remaining}, or being rendered into bits {I.E turned into mincemeat}

Peak Human Longevity: Xiang also possesses the ability to age slower and live longer than normal humans/mutants though not to the superhuman level.

Xiang is at the peak of human conditioning. For this very reason, shi ages slower than normal due to having extremely healthy cells, without the superhuman level, extending their lifespan {Which is due to hir Enhanced Regeneration keeping hir body in its prime}. Shi can live up to decades with no signs of aging since this ability is at peak human level. Also, this power activated when shi was in hir young-adult years, so shi will look twenty-years to even a hundred times younger decades later. As an example, shi can be around 70 years old, yet shi will appear to be in hir 20s or shi can be 80 years old but appear to be in in hir 30s or be 120 years old but appear to be in hir 40s. The maximum lifespan shi can achieve due to this is 140-250 years.


Xiang Baharroth was born from the incestuous union of hir paternal Father/Grandfather Tanzra Baharroth and hir maternal Mother/Sister Aurellia Baharroth. Shi was lovingly named Xiang by hir mother/sister, (Xiang for most of hir life only knew Aurellia as hir mother unaware that Aurellia was also hir elder sister). Hir birth was abnormal in that hir skin pigmentation was a similar blue to hir Father/Grandfather's and it was unclear if it was due to the physical alteration from his own X-Gene mutation that made this skin pigmentation possible or not. Shi was born female but born with a cock and testicles, the cause of this was also unknown. It was speculated but unclear and undetermined if this was caused by hir being an inbred child or influence of hir X-Gene. (Similar to hir fathers X-Gene physically mutating his appearance to the cat-like appearance he has)


Hir childhood was as one might expect at home shi was a normal child playing with toys and imaginary friends etc loved by hir parents and also did not have to "mask" hir skin with peach colored body makeup while in the privacy of home, obviously as a naive child shi was clueless that the times shi had this makeup applied was to protect hir when going out. And growing up shi thought this was a normal routine that other children also went through, at least until shi got older and had to start applying it hirself and learned the truth for it.

During much of hir early life hir father was not present a majority of the time due to his Mercenary(Military) occupation which had him spend great spans of time away from home, thus shi was primarily raised as best possible by hir mother. Hir academics weren't anything special to note, average to below average marks in the subjects taught.

It was always known as shi was growing up shi had an inkling and was drawn towards the more boy centric toys (Cars, Motorcycles, military themed toys) and when it came to cartoons shi was always drawn to an entertained by those that typically boys would be into much less so girls (Cartoons like G.I Joe). It was likely speculated by hir mother and father that the female characters of these shows, which also had their tie in toy lines, were what drew hir attention and interest given how these characters both good and evil were portrayed.

Around the time of Jr. High where shi had gotten an interest into Airsoft/Paintball/BB/Pellet activities, hir mother naturally was not like most other mothers, trying to influence/control and push their children towards what "they" themselves wanted for their children. Rather hir mother nurtured and supported hir hobbies and interests

Backlog of retro games needing to get through on the SNES via the Super Retron HD.

  1. Attack of the Petscii Robots (A homebrew created by the youtuber David Murray aka the 8-bit guy)
  2. Act Raiser
  3. Act Raiser 2.
  4. Breath of Fire.
  5. Breath of Fire II.
  6. Chrono Trigger.
  7. Final Fantasy II. (Which is actually Final Fantasy IV)
  8. Illusion of Gaia.
  9. Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals.
  10. Secret of Mana.
  11. Super Mario RPG: Legend of The Seven Stars.
  12. Super Metroid.
Current Mood:

"Hmm interesting Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow changed the color pallets for several creatures, I shouldn't be surprised about this really, only few creatures are consistent with design and color scheme but a number of them if they do exist in multiple games change some even change design along with color pallet."

"Well that was annoying, having to look up how to get through a level on Chasm: The Rift ><. Like oh yeah lets not provide any clues, or at least that I could see. On how to beat the boss"

Current Mood:
changed a profile picture

"Alright I am back, had to make a detour for pizza and then cook dinner"

"Be back in like an hr or so, going AFK, have to hit the store."

"Well that was an unexpected bonus. 2K is doing a sale on the Mafia series, so I decided to buy the Mafia Definitive Trilogy bundle for $15 instead of paying $24 buying them individually plus whatever amount for the DLC content. Now the bonus I speak of is according to the Mafia Definitive Trilogy bundle states it includes only Mafia Definitive Edition, Mafia II Definitive Edition, Mafia III Definitive Edition and all their associated DLC, what wasn't mentioned was that you would also get Mafia II (Classic) + its DLC. Still would have to buy Mafia 1 (Classic) separately if you want to experience the classic version."

"Well that didn't work, or well it did but broke after. Followed the instructions for autoplaying videos in profile, and it would work in 'preview' but once submitted then autoplay ceased working, video still functioned so manually starting still works but yeah autoplay no. And when going back into editing profile to look at embed code not only is it compacted but ?autoplay=1" is deleted and replaced with ?rel=0. Now I have readded ?autoplay=1" back into the embed code in front of ?rel=0" and the video would autoplay once again in 'preview' but submitting the changes once again autoplay breaks and on inspection ?autoplay=1" is again deleted."

Current Mood:
changed an album
changed an album