Tanzra Baharroth

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Character Details

Name: Alaric Justinian (Original birth name given by his parents)

Nickname/Alias/Mutant Name: Tanzra Baharroth (Later changed to his legal name)

Age: Unknown (Estimated mid to late fourties)

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Species: Mutant 

Height: 5'9" (175 cm)

Weight: 140 lbs (63 kg)

Hair: n/a (Red in human form)

Eyes: Amethyst Purple

Appearance: Tanzra's Mutant Gene mutated his original human form into a medium cyan blue anthropormorphic cat with amethyst purple eyes and large pointed ears. His form is hairless and while overall defined inbuilt, he is very thin and bony. He stands at 5' 9 (175 cm) but his ears make him appear taller. He dons black, crimson, and gold Egyptian-looking attire with white and orange diamond decorations. He also dons a gold choker around his neck, two gold arm bands (one around each bicep), two gold arm bracers (one upon each forearm), a gold earning (near the tip of his left ear), occasionally two gold toe rings (one around each middle toe), and lastly two gold ankle rings which he uses to keep his brown cloth shoes on.

Mutant Power: Personal Energy Manipulation.

Mutant Power Ability: Tanzra can manipulate his energy and every form it takes, he can channel it towards any purpose he can conceive. 

Marital Status: Married

Family: Raven Sanosuke Baharroth (Wife), Aurellia Baharroth (Eldest Daughter/Deceased), Xiang Baharroth (Second Eldest Daughter/Granddaughter), Aurellia Aurora Baharroth (Daughter), Acheron Lucien Baharroth (Son), Maya Sely Baharroth (Daughter)


Tanzra was born Alaric Justinian an only child of his parents both of whom were human but Tanzra himself however was born a mutant, this would not come to light for himself, his parents and the world until later in his life as his birth was as common or normal as the majority of other mutants I.E their powers/abilities not developing or manifesting until puberty.

Childhood/Early life.

Tanzra's childhood was as normal of a childhood as one could have his parents were hard working but loving, stern but fair when he did get in trouble. While he would get disciplined when that happened (though usually just groundings and the like) his parents would educate him on why what he did was wrong. Meaning they taught him the reasoning and logic behind the rules whether it was the "home" rules or the rules of law for everyone.

His school life was also as normal but his academics were certainly not something praiseworthy or noteworthy. His Junior High and Highschool days were where this was most evident either flunking subjects or just barely managing a passing grade which meant come graduation time from High School he had to attend Summer School in order to acquire the missing credits he needed to actually graduate and not get held back.

@Gissele Mercado "Happy birthday, but this I believe is more appropriate."


"Well shit, come to learn this morning that one of my co-workers over the weekend had decided to sadly take his own life."

Current Mood:
changed a profile picture
changed a profile cover

You know it would be so nice, and I think it would make them money, if companies like Nintendo via their main website, offered people the ability to order classic consoles and games, like made to order. So customer puts in an order for an N64, RAM expansion and Majora's Mask, and Nintendo has a brand new N64, RAM expansion and copy of Majora's Mask made with modern day hardware and ship it to that customer. Its honestly a guaranteed sale for those that want retro stuff and to be frank its guaranteed to work and isn't running on 30+ year old components that is going to eventually fail unlike a brand new one fresh off the assembly line. And its not like they would be flooding stores with inventory as they would only be making them on order and shipping them direct to customers.

"Ugh well that's going to take some getting use to, playing some Eurotruck simulator 2, being American and so accustomed to how driving is in the US, its strange to be 'driving' on the right hand side which is passenger side for us, along with driving on the left hand side of roads which for my brain is oncoming traffic side. Also having the street lights on the same side of the street as you"

"Well this is a neat site to stumble across, get a monthly delivery of retro or current gen console games, set your preferences of the genre, type etc and if you already have some games add them to your account on their site so they know what games not to send to avoid duplicates."


"So been giving The First Descendant a whirl, its enjoyable, a little aggravating with the enemies. And I'm going to be honest I find it rather annoying that an enemy using an element type like Frost is able to effect and damage Viessa who's Arche type is Frost. I honestly think if your playing a descendant who is of a certain element type and enemies you engage with are using that same element then they and by extension you should not be able to harm one another with skills/abilities, or at the very least make it deal heavily reduced damage and null the status effects like burn or freeze."

"Doesn't happen often but I find it annoying when your typing in a password, or typing anything really, in one window, and another window opens and for some reason the new window takes priority which interrupts your typing."

"Ugh just got home from work, blarg working on holidays."

"A rocking song."
