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Callsign: Lupa

Full Name: Blaire Wulfe

Age: 31 Years

Birthday: August 11th

Gender: Cis Female

Race/Ethnicity/Species: Human, Caucasian [Augmented]


Height: 5'10" (1.78m)

Weight: 184 lbs (83.46kg)

Hair Colour: Ash Brown, Azure Dye

Hair Length: Shoulder Length

Hairstyle: Short, often a short comb over.

Eye Colour: Azure/Blue

Basic Description: Tall, Brickish Build

Usual style: When dressed casually, will often wear a hoodie or tee and sweats/jeans with sneakers. Known to wear a beanie or baseball cap. Occasionally she wears a brown, leather Jacket with Blackwatch’s insignia on the shoulder. Though, she is also known to wear a halter top or cropped tank top.

Scars: Blaire's entire body is subject to mild scarring from a life of combat and firefighting.

Personality: Often sports a relatively hopeful view of things, though can be a bit standoffish at first. Loner-like with a heart of gold. Holds no quarter with her enemies.

Dreams: A world where there doesn't need to be heroes.

[Social Status]

Financial Status: Considerably well off, due to years of bounty hunting and collecting funds from targets and “assets.” Along with having made a few very powerful friends along the way.

Sexual Attitude/Orientation: Claims to have no strong feelings, but due to hormonal changes as a result of her augmentation she has a significantly heightened libido. She is a lesbian and identifies as such.

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good

Use of Drugs: Caffeine?

Reputation: Originally Ambiguous, having always been more of a loner, even during her time with Blackwatch. She seldom made connections with others. And, while Bounty Hunting and moonlighting as a Vigilante she retained a strict level of anonymity to conceal her identity. Now? Somewhat to her disdain, she has made one hell of a name for herself among her enemies and allies.

Criminal Status: No record to speak of, though she has been up to many illegal activities for the sake of the greater good, none of it has really come to light. And if she has her way, it will stay that way.

Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Vigilante

Hobbies: She collects postcards from every place she visits, and plays the guitar regularly.

Languages & Dialects Spoken: American English, Spanish, French and some degree of German. [Note, as the writer, I can only speak English and a very small degree of French.]

Talents & Skills: Extremely talented Hand-to-Hand combatant and Martial Artist. Excels in tracking and procurement, very talented guitarist.


Blaire has relatively humble beginnings, at least at a first glance. A simple life with a pair of loving parents, and even more loving sister. Though, this was never going to last, her real father was not who she believed him to be. The actual truth was, Blaire was born as an experiment and monitored throughout her life by her real father, her and several other children had been selected and augmented through a variety of means from genetics to nano-technology.

Though, none of this would really come fully to head until much later beyond the occasional odd feat that no little girl or teenager should ever have been capable of. But, it was chalked up to one off moments or even rushes of adrenaline, after all humans do have a tendency for the incredible in times of duress. No, none of what she was really capable of would come to head until her early adult life where she ended up as a career firefighter with a knack for being on the reckless side.

It was the most heroic thing she could do, from a mundane perspective, at least as far as her life was concerned. She had always looked up to the heroes of the Overwatch organization, having posters upon posters in her room even as an adult. She had always wanted to be one of those heroes, but settled for what she could do in the moment, at least... Until a terrorist organization struck her hometown, and she was forced to spring in to action.

During the chaos the fire department was fast on the scene, doing what they could to rescue the people caught in the aftermath of several fires and explosions. It was here that Blaire showed what she was really capable of, putting on an exemplary display when she rescued dozens of people on her own from a collapsing building. This, and feats of incredible strength such as lifting a one ton metal beam with her bare hands or ripping a door clean from its hinges were what drew the eye of the Overwatch organization... Well, it drew the eye of a particular part of the organization, one that was perhaps less desirable to some.

After she received commendation for her heroic actions, Blaire was met by many notable figures, the most important being one Gabriel Reyes. The two ended up having a discussion, and an offer was made, an offer Blaire could never in a thousand years reject: an offer to join Overwatch, or more specifically, Blackwatch. It was from there, that she uprooted her life without a moment's hesitation, and found herself at the center of a storm she could never have expected.

Blaire received proper, martial training while in the organization, showing herself to be a very fast learner. Due to her past experience as a firefighter, specifically with routing and pathfinding through less than ideal conditions to rescue others, she was given the role of "Procurement Specialist." The role was extraction of assets, whether it be people... Innocent or not, intelligence, or even the odd item of interest. Given the callsign "Lupa:, she excelled at her role, working mostly alone, on the off chance she had a squad it was no more than one or two others.

She was notably a loner, seldom making strong bonds with others, she would much rather just do her job to make a difference and spend her nights alone... Or, in the bed of another woman. The latter happening often enough that she had a small reputation among staff. She flew very under the radar, despite her otherwise exemplary work. She wouldn't make an actual, public name for herself until after the organizations eventual collapse.

The world needed heroes, more importantly it needed heroes willing to get their hands dirty. Lupa worked for years as a bounty hunter, doing vigilante work on the side while doing her best to keep her actual identity hidden from the public. "Lupa" eventually made a name for herself among bounty hunters, though her "heroics" often crossed in to shades of grey, many weren't sure what to think of her or her methods. She was very... Blackwatch with her approach. However, one thing was for certain, "Lupa" was not a woman anyone wanted to tangle with. Not even the eyes watching her since she was a baby in a crib...

As for what the futures holds for her, that's anyone's guess. But, at the very least, she isn't on the side of villainy: even if she occasionally seems like one herself... Though a storm cloud does loom, remember what was said at the start? About something fully coming to head? That didn't just disappear.

Responses are taking a little longer than expected, writer's block has decided today is the day I need to be suplexed.

Starters will be sent after I get to the larger replies I owe (Jolene is the priority response atm), I'm not expecting it to take too long.

Current Mood:

God damn. Good lord girl, you’re built to make a head turn~! Come to the right neighborhood and you might have a new family to visit.

I think I got the music embed proper, not sure if the autoplay not working is my browser settings/addons or if I goofed.

Current Mood:

If I owe you something, I should be getting to you this weekend, apologies for the long wait. It's been a rough couple of weeks.

Got my vaccinations updated yesterday, and today I feel like I've been hit with a truck.

There will be some delays, got some devastating news today that I am not getting in to, and it's sapped a lot of my motivation away. No one is being ignored, things are just temporarily on the back burner while I handle some serious business irl.

I was out later than expected, but everyone should have a response now.

Responses will come a little later, after work.

Sorry for delays, I'll be a bit more active later tonight.~

I am going to shower, I may or may not be back this evening.

changed a profile picture