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"Well that was an unexpected bonus. 2K is doing a sale on the Mafia series, so I decided to buy the Mafia Definitive Trilogy bundle for $15 instead of paying $24 buying them individually plus whatever amount for the DLC content. Now the bonus I speak of is according to the Mafia Definitive Trilogy bundle states it includes only Mafia Definitive Edition, Mafia II Definitive Edition, Mafia III Definitive Edition and all their associated DLC, what wasn't mentioned was that you would also get Mafia II (Classic) + its DLC. Still would have to buy Mafia 1 (Classic) separately if you want to experience the classic version."

    • Heck of a deal. I was playing Mafia Definitive Edition the other day since they added it to Game Pass recently. A decent game IMO, except for Fair Play. That mission can go fuck itself honestly.

      • "Indeed it is, and it is a decent game though 2K did change some things up from the classic edition that the original dev team did. Like the very opening is almost identical save for in the classic Tommy the character you play as is the one who comes to the diner that the detective Norman was already at, while the definitive edition switches it around so Detective Norman is the one who comes to the diner while Tommy is the one already there. They also changed the beginning cutscene to Tommy's retelling of how things started and its associated gameplay moment. I mean its technically the same but the classic had a longer chase seen before Paulie and Sam crash and run into Tommy and only have one car to get away from. While the definitive edition has Paulie and Sam crash much sooner and they upped the number of cars to get away from to like 4. Though so far that is all I know of, wanting to play through the classic first."

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