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Nothing much to add just yet. Need some time to figure out how I would like the story to go for just the average neko femboy enjoying his life. Murasaki as of right now is the owner of his own little cat cafe where he takes care of the little rascals as a way to help others destress form the tough outside world. It is nice to sometimes have a place that you can just relax without a concern in the world. The business has been successful long enough that he doesn't have to be on the job every day either. He can be found there, out lounging around town, or maybe enjoying a good bar from time to time.

Monday morning of dark weather and rain. The depression week has begun.

Current Mood:

Ever have that friend that when you're planning something they just realllllllllly want to help in any way, shape, or form to an annoying degree? Help in nothing big either just small things so they dont have to come out of pocket much but then act like they were a big contributor to your plans going well?

Current Mood:

Wukong has been quite the time for me so far. I am still running around in chapter 4.

Current Mood:

Nothing dumber to me than when your job sees that you're a good worker so their reward to you is.................more work. No I don't want to be trained in more stuff when you didn't start this conversation with talks of a pay raise. Fuck off.

Current Mood:

Happy to be back in my comfy chair.

Current Mood:

Welp gotta make a family run so I will be back in a few hours. Sorry for the abrupt vanish.

Current Mood:

Oh boy. Dont you love when you have someone in your friendship circle who constantly complains that they're the different one in the friendship circle yet keeps making themselves stand out as the different one in the friendship circle then cries when the friendship circle looks at him some kind of way? Everyone likes something they have to voice how they dislike it. Everyone dislikes something they have to voice how they like it. Everyone is chatting about a topic. They have to change the topic to something that suits them. Treat them like the oddity they are. They cry you're demeaning them then sends everyone an essay on their hurt feelings over XBOX chat. Don't keep a friend like this. Its not worth it. Should of ran when I had the chance.

Current Mood:

The best part of those people who ask to speak with a supervisor when you tell them something they dont want to hear is when that answer came directly from your supervisor. The glorious part is when you get the supervisor who tells them the same thing right after you. People need to learn that rules don't bend for a singular person especially when they're government related.

Current Mood:

This ZZZ seems rather popular but I am hesitant to play another hoyoverse gacha game. Genshin took too much money from me.

changed a profile picture

Its about that time I find more fun images to post.

Good morning all! I have work soon but that wont stop me from having some fun while on the job! Keep me company?