Luna Grimdark

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Luna Grimdark comes from a lineage of Overlords, each one as horrific and feared as the last. With a variety of methods in how they went about conquering and ruling over their territory. Some picked to reign their rule with armies at their beck and call, others with espionage and political conquest, and even through demonic influence. After centuries of continued tradition, one can expect an odd one out which was exactly where this rather small Overlord found herself in. Inheriting the land of her predecessor and some pesky demons to boot, Luna saw little entertainment in humoring this legacy. Isolation sounding far better, and so she got to work in changing this land to ward off any unwelcomed visitors. A constant veil of darkness harbors an endless night across the land, violent and agitated plants with ferocious beast. All possible due to the dark arts and immense power the bunny mage holds, as she is well in tune with channelling the mana around herself.

Despite each Overlord possessing a frightening reputation, one was safe so long as they resided within his rule and adhered to the rules. Luna is no different, allowing the people that reside in her territory to live normal life's as her veil covers only her large castle it's corresponding land. With one simple rule to follow, do not disturb the Overlord. Curiosity can get the better of some, but very few can hardly make it past the maze that is navigating the wooded area before reaching her castle. Most attempts to reach her castle are also done by those wishing to claim these lands for themselves, and while leading the masses isn't in her interest she still will crush any attempts and protect those within her territory. Caring in her own, distant and typically misunderstood way.

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