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Oh boy. Dont you love when you have someone in your friendship circle who constantly complains that they're the different one in the friendship circle yet keeps making themselves stand out as the different one in the friendship circle then cries when the friendship circle looks at him some kind of way? Everyone likes something they have to voice how they dislike it. Everyone dislikes something they have to voice how they like it. Everyone is chatting about a topic. They have to change the topic to something that suits them. Treat them like the oddity they are. They cry you're demeaning them then sends everyone an essay on their hurt feelings over XBOX chat. Don't keep a friend like this. Its not worth it. Should of ran when I had the chance.

    • I really need to add a "wtf" reaction.

      • Think I'm good on that, already had to hear about @Velvets static having to kick one person from the static in FFXIV because of their attitude.

        • No problem. Some people just hate being the central issue but refuse to admit that if its constantly them then maybe they are the problem.

          • Yup yup

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