Champion of Themyscira

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A hero, An icon, and a warrior. These are just a few of the things that Wonder Woman has been in her time with humanity. Though what about the amazon? The daughter of the great Queen Hippolyta? These were questions she'd asked herself in recent years, unsatisfied with her work and lack of presence in Themyscira. Naturally this was frustrating to the heroine, but she quickly thought of a solution. Bolstering the ranks of her sisters with the many powers she'd come across in her time away. Imagine, amazon with the power of a kryptonian like Kara? Or one in tune with the darker magic like Raven? Hells even one with the intellect of Dr. Quinzel? The possibilities were endless and here she was ready and able to bring about this new generation of heroes and warriors. This would be her greatest gift to her people, reclaiming their place as unmatched powerful warriors.

Obviously a much less honourable portrayal of the great amazon but a fun one many I'd imagine are familiar with.

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