David Martinez

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Name: David Martinez

Alias: None

Role: Solo

Affiliation: Edgerunners

Background: Street Kid


• Body: 8 (After Sandevistan Implant)

• Reflexes: 9

• Technical Ability: 5

• Cool: 7

• Intelligence: 6

• Willpower: 6

• Empathy: 4 (Decreasing with cyberware usage)


• Sandevistan: A high-tier military-grade implant that allows David to move at superhuman speeds for short bursts of time, giving him a distinct advantage in combat. This piece of tech was originally scavenged from a high-level Arasaka operative and is known to put extreme physical stress on the user.

• Reinforced Spine: Enhances strength and stability, allowing him to handle heavy recoil and the strain of the Sandevistan.

• Various Combat Augmentations: David picks up additional cyberware as he delves deeper into the Edgerunner lifestyle, increasing his combat effectiveness but at the cost of his humanity.


David Martinez grew up in the slums of Night City, attending Arasaka Academy at his mother’s insistence. Gloria Martinez worked as an EMT and sacrificed everything to send him to this elite school, believing it would provide him with opportunities beyond the streets. However, David’s rebellious nature and disdain for the corporate system led him to constantly clash with the school’s rigid structure.

His life changed forever after a tragic accident claimed his mother’s life, leaving him to navigate the violent streets alone. In her death, David discovered the Sandevistan implant and, in a moment of desperation, had it installed, thrusting him into the world of Edgerunners—a group of mercenaries living on the edge of society, where survival depends on skill, cyberware, and quick reflexes.


David is driven by a strong sense of loyalty and a desire to protect those close to him, particularly his newfound family among the Edgerunners. However, the trauma of losing his mother and the brutal reality of Night City have hardened him, making him more willing to resort to extreme measures. His ambition to rise above the streets comes into conflict with the risks associated with cyberware, particularly the Sandevistan, which pushes him closer to cyberpsychosis.

Though David is headstrong and impulsive, he’s also highly adaptable and determined, often willing to take on dangerous jobs to prove himself. His charm and street smarts allow him to navigate the treacherous world of Night City’s underbelly, but as he continues to rely on cyberware, his humanity begins to slip away.


David’s main motivation is to honor his mother’s memory by “making it to the top,” though what that means shifts as he becomes more immersed in the Edgerunner lifestyle. Initially focused on escaping the slums and rising in status, his goals become more about survival, revenge, and protecting his comrades. His journey is marked by an internal struggle between preserving his humanity and embracing the power that cyberware offers.

Notable Relationships:

• Gloria Martinez: David’s late mother, whose death is the catalyst for his descent into the world of mercenaries.

• Lucy: A fellow Edgerunner and netrunner, Lucy becomes David’s closest ally and love interest. Her influence keeps him grounded, though she fears the toll his implants are taking on him.

• Maine: The leader of the Edgerunners and David’s mentor. Maine’s own descent into cyberpsychosis serves as a cautionary tale for David, though he struggles to heed the warning.

Threat Level: High

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