The Irken Hybrid

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Kat was a genetically modified alien cat. The Irken scientist was trying to create a new species of an animal but they soon find out that the genetics didn’t connect properly to there liking once the hybrid cat was born. Kat's chromosomes was mix with DNA of Irken, earth feline, and as well of a human being, the human DNA was a bit complex for them grasp and grab the wrong strand. Once being born her body was split in the middle of human and Irken characteristics with cat ears and a tail. Frustrated and disgusted by the design she was about to be eliminated till the Almighty Tallest came in and save her from her demise of being terminated and wanted her more as a pet companion since being at there chambers of course was rather lonesome. As months go by as her growth rapidly grows from possibly from the feline genetics so coming to age the Almighty tallest soon added another role to the young hybrid as to met with there sexual intentions. Kat didn’t know much of it might be wrong or right but she done what was needed of her and that’s all she never known that was her life was to tender them physically and mentally.

Kat understood how this made the Almighty Tallest very pleased and made it a mission to always find ways in different situations to sexually please them as in terms she realized this helps please her as well and she enjoyed it herself of course. In return they also find ways to spoil the young feline as some Irkens finds this repulsive as a non pure blood Irken was given such treatment as other spend years trying to have them acknowledge them as being spoiled rotten by them. 

One day an Irken spy came in to the chambers after hours when the almighty tallest was knock out in a blissful sleep as both him and the hybrid sleep naked after long hours of fun. It was odd they came right in time as if it was someone that work for them knowing there schedule, all being such deep sleepers the spy kidnapped little Kat not till after they knew she was knock out cold with some medicine making sure she would not awaken. Shoved in a pod they rerouted her to a place called earth somewhere very far away so she could never be found, after months of traveling and landing into earth safely the pod mimic the houses surrounding them with a robot mother and father to help nurtures her making sure she finds no way of communicating them as it was feets away but the robots were programed to make sure she does no such thing. Finding knowledge of the earthlings habits she was able to acclimate and live her years there till her life comes to an end.

changed a profile cover
changed a profile picture

If anyone is mainly on discord and still would like to talk more often just let me know and I’ll add you :)

I’m sorry my precious, I must leave for now. I replied as much as I could. Thank you for all that jump in for my attention the moment they realize they are in my little inner circle for now. 🩷