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A woman that goes by the name Sumeragi was once a member of a renowned ninja clan known as the Veiled Edge that slayed crime syndicates and demons that seemed to infect Japan's underbelly. Sumeragi was the best of the clan and was set on the path to become the next head of Veiled Edge. However, one of the underlings of the clans staged a coup with the help of a nefarious band of mercs. Quickly gaining control of the clan and killing anyone that opposed them. Sumeragi was outnumbered and overpowered but instead of killing her, the corrupt headmaster had her limbs cut of off before being thrown into a cell to rot. With the help of one of her siblings, Sumeragi was able to escape. They both headed to America in hopes that the fallen Veiled Edge clan would not follow them. Once in America, Sumeragi was able to get cybernetic implants. It took time for her to get used to them, but now she was stronger and faster than ever. However, victory lies in preparation. She wasn't going to seek revenge until she knew she was able to take back the clan.