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Curious Question!

If you could like... Be in any series (anime, book, manga, video game, movie, etc) what would it be and why?

    • MHA purely so i can live out my dream of being a hero

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      • Mass Effect! I love its universe

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        • "Gah I'm honestly torn between Star Wars (OG, EU none of this Disney shit), Mass Effect, Final Fantasy(Any really), and The Legend of Dragoon. As to the why's 1st: who wouldn't want to be a Force User, 2nd: awesome universe with sexy aliens, 3rd: well why not, everyone at one pointed wanted to live in a fantasy world, 4th: Is also why not, able to harness the power of a Dragon for yourself and have one as a companion . Plus its a beautiful world"

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          • As horrible of a place as it is...Bloodborne. I adore lovecraft's works, along with the dark gothic aesthetic. Plus, consuming forbidden knowledge and slaying beasts is a plus.

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            • On one hand, constant impending doom. But on the other...FF14 would be so fucking lit.

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