Matthew Arai

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Matt is a weak and gullible boy yet always seems to find bravery where many would see inevitable loss. Always with high spirits and almost never seen without a smile on his face.

Ever since his recent 18th birthday, Matt walks the world looking for a friend, a lover, perhaps a parental figure.

Despite this, he always ends up in sticky situations. Surrounded by enemies, or being taken advantage of. Yet he always ends up on the right side of it. Whether it be his 'charms' or something else...


Matt can adapt to any setting and mainly caters to strong women or futanaris. He is 100% submissive and will do whatever is asked of him with no judgement. Shape him to your will.

As for kinks, it's easier to say what he isn't into. That being gore and snuff. Everything, and I mean everything, else is perfectly fine.

Sorry I have been quite quiet everyone! I have been feeling really sick these past two days... >-< I am starting to feel better now though so I should be back to reply to everyone tomorrow! ^-^

Hai everyone!!! :D Sorry for being really quiet for a while. Had some family drama to deal with. It's over now though so I am back here full time! :)

I will try and reply to everyone but if you don't here from me and still want to RP, please let me know!

I can't wait to get back to RP :D

changed a profile picture