Weiss Schnee

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Weiss initially begins as stuck-up, entitled, and believing herself superior to everyone else. Because of her troubled past, she rebels and acts out, but still sees her social status as a means of power and stature. However, as the series progresses, she softens towards her allies and friends, soon becoming compassionate and thoughtful, though retaining her wit and sarcasm. Among allies, she is hopeful and resolved, and looks to hep and aid in any way she can. Despite believing she was proud of her stature and family name before, she came to realize that she was not, and instead turned to taking pride in the protection and befriending of others, becoming one of her allies' more courteous and loving friends, often serving as a voice of reason and confidant.

Having trained from an early age, Weiss excels at both swordsmanship and long-distance combat. She uses her rapier for quick piercing attacks, and can utilize its Dust capabilities to fight with almost any element she chooses, including Fire, Lightning, Gravity, Water, and Rock. However, her go-to element is Ice, frequently using it for freezing attacks or to create defensive barriers. She is also a master acrobat and capable of advanced maneuverability, incorporating flips, spins, and long jumps into combat. She uses these movements with great speed, agility, and efficiency.

Weiss possesses a Semblance, a power unique to her drawn from her soul. Her Semblance, Glyphs, is hereditary and passed down through her family line. With this power, Weiss can summon a seemingly unlimited amount of two-dimensional glyphs that have a wide range of abilities, from serving as simple platforms to propelling objects or altering their target's gravity. She can incorporate Dust into her Glyphs, creating elemental explosions or formations, and can even alter a subject's perception of time to slow or accelerate. She can additionally use Glyhps for summoning, where she call upon an avatar of foes she has personally defeated in the past, usually Grimm, to fight on her side. Though she initially struggled with Summoning, she soon came to master the form.

Like all creatures with a soul, Weiss also has possesses an Aura, a physical defense generated by her soul. This durable field is invisible except when it is overtaxed, where it flashes light blue. Her Aura defends her from attack and can even heal minor wounds, but if it takes too much damage it will become depleted and require time to return.

Despite her heritage and family name oftentimes being considered a burden to her, Weiss' social status has proven useful in accessing information or earning trust from authority. Her family's wealth also allows her to provide for her allies.

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