Malik the "Black Bull"

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Malik is a rather relaxed individual. Making good on some investments early on made him millions and allowed him to kick back and relax in his mid thirties having more free time then he knows what do it with. Because of this he has earned the nickname the "Black Bull" for being a very hung male who is always looking for the next hot babe to fuck and ruin. He could care less if they are married or not and has been a Homewreaker a few times already. Though despite his nickname and horny nature with woman he can be actually pretty tame. Has no issues just being friends or even fuck buddies. Hell if the woman is a big pervert then he even welcomes making them a slave or potential bimbo as he will never say no to long as they have the libido to keep up with him.

Same thing when it comes to relationship, he is all for them but if the woman can't even Keep up with him in bed, satisfy him, or even have a high libido like him then he goes no further. Sure people say sex isn't everything, which is true and he believes that. However if you said Sex isn't a factor in a relationship or marriage then he won't hesitate to call you out in that lie, for some people that may be a exception. But for most they all need pleasure in life. At the end of the day though Malik welcomes making new friends and investment as he isn't dumb to think money won't run out someday, so take a chance and get to know him regardless if it's for Friendship, profit, or pleasure!

(Kinks coming soon! Or just ask when discussing.)

Internet is being kind of shit right now. So sorry to those I'm discussing or rping with. Ill have to put replies on hold till it settles. Sorry about that everyone.

Mild delay on replies, Along with greeting. I should be free up soon so I can chat and hopefully get discussions going with some of you lovely people.

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changed a profile picture