Sho (Shoggoth)

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Name: Zyraxith

Race: Shoggoth (Humanoid Form)

Age: Ageless (Ancient creature)

Gender: Female (Humanoid Appearance)

Physical Appearance:

Height: Approximately 5'7" (170 cm)

Weight: Unknown (Appears denser or heavier than typical due to her amorphous, slimy nature)

Skin Tone: A dark purple or bluish-black, with a constantly slick, wet texture that seems to shimmer in low light.

Hair: Long, dark purple or black tendrils that resemble hair but occasionally shift into tentacles. The tendrils move on their own, curling and uncurling as if alive.

Eyes: Large, unsettling eyes with dark sclera and multiple pupils or slits, which seem to shift in size and placement as they focus. The eyes have a hypnotic, otherworldly gleam that draws in those who meet her gaze.

Body Shape: Zyraxith maintains a generally slender, humanoid shape, but her body is highly fluid and amorphous. Limbs can extend or morph into tentacle-like appendages at will. Her silhouette is deceptively human, but with constant, subtle movements and shifts in her form.

Clothing: She wears a white maid outfit with a black apron and frilly collar. The outfit is in a state of partial dissolution, with areas melting or dripping down her form. The fabric appears soaked and semi-transparent in places, clinging to her slimy body, adding an eerie, uncanny contrast to her monstrous nature.

Apron: The black apron contrasts sharply with her dark, slimy skin, though the edges seem to merge with her body, as if consumed by it.

Frills: The frilly collar and cuffs on her sleeves remain mostly intact but appear as though they might melt away at any moment, giving her a haunting, ephemeral look.

Notable Features:

Amorphous Limbs: Her arms and legs can shift and extend into tentacle-like appendages, the movements fluid and alien. The number of limbs can change, sprouting additional tentacles when needed.

Head Protrusions: Tentacles emerge from her head, blending with her long hair or appearing to be part of it, adding to her unsettling and monstrous appearance. These tentacles occasionally writhe, giving the illusion of a living entity atop her head.

Dripping Substance: A dark, slimy substance constantly drips from her body, pooling beneath her as she moves. The ooze is thick and viscous, with a sheen that makes her form appear partially dissolved in places.

Multiple Mouths: Hidden across her body are several small, circular mouths or orifices that occasionally open and close, secreting the same dark ooze that drips from her.

Additional Notes:

Humanoid Form: Despite her monstrous origins as a shoggoth, Zyraxith has adopted a humanoid shape, but her true nature seeps through in every detail, from her tentacle-like limbs to her dissolving attire.

Unsettling Presence: Her entire being exudes an aura of ancient, otherworldly power and menace. The contrast between her somewhat human appearance and her monstrous features makes her both fascinating and terrifying to behold.

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