Axel Hirikara

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Name: Axel Hirikara

Age: 20 - 30 ( adjusts to story. )

Height: 6 ft 2

Weight: 225 lbs

Hair: Dark Red

Eyes: Blue

Occupation: Blacksmith ( Fantasy ) Tech Repair Shop owner ( Modern )

Modern: Axel is an average guy who runs his own tech repair shop after falling in love with the craft. He went through college to get his degree and now lives his dream. He enjoys hanging with his friends, watching movies, swimming, camping, games, and more. Not a lot bothers him personally but he can be protective of those he cares for.

Fantasy: Axel is a Blacksmith in the royal capital town where the castle itself sits. He was once a former knight in training until he found his affinity for crafting weapons, armor, and many other items. Now he supplies the royal army, heroes, and many other clients with his work. He also enjoys going out of the city itself to gather his own materials from caves, monsters, and anywhere else he can. He prefers to be self sufficient.

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