Gissele Mercado

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Welcome to Realm of Desire, a unique community dedicated to roleplaying. My name is Gissele Mercado, and I am privileged to serve as your Moderating Admin. Whether you're seeking assistance or guidance, our dedicated team of Staffs and Mods are here to support you. Please feel free to reach out to any of us for help; however, for matters requiring specialized attention, such as memberships payments or such feel free to contact Azure or I will contact him on your behalf.


As you explore our community, I hope you discover all the wonderful things it has to offer. Whether it's engaging conversations or meeting new friends, there's a little something here for everyone!

A gentle reminder: this account is not intended for roleplaying. For those interested in roleplaying interactions, a dedicated link will be provided below.

Once again, thank you for joining us in the Realm of Desire. We look forward to fostering a positive and enriching experience for you here.



PS: If you are interested in being in a edit with me, here's my reference sheet. Credit goes to Almond AKA FluffyButtPandaJunk

Also some Marshmallows graphics if you want to add some art to clothes and etc -

Reposted Realm of Desires's post.

It's officially the 20th, which means the new NSFW rule has gone into effect, please review the published rule here:

I'm gonna share something embarrassing I did when I was a kid. You know how food and drinks have that Best By date? Well I used to wait until that date arrive to drink or eat it because I thought it would taste better by that date. Am I the only one who did that?

Happy Birthday lovely lady! I hope you have a wonderful memorable day ^^

Happy birthday! Hope you’ve lots of fun joy and most important Pleasure~

Happy birthday to our favorite pinkette~ I pray for your good health now and forever!

"Happy birthday to the brightest Superstar, enjoy your day and face the year ahead with a smile"

"Greetings from Etheryis. I heard from some yalms away that it's your nameday....well, birthday. Well than, Happy Birthday from yours truly, the Warrior of Light. But just Byakko will do fine. Always remember, your journey in life is the greatest adventure of them all. I'm posting this from Solution Nine. I wish you and yours the best of birthdays."

Happy birthday, may the year ahead be filled with fun and memories be made

"Hey! Sonic here. And its high time I say Happy Birthday. Now you go in and enjoy it. Have some cake, ice cream, may be even some chili dogs. Catch ya later!"

BIRTH! ❤️🎊🎉🎁

Happy Birthdayyy!!

Happy birthday~

Haaapppyy Birrttthdaaaaayy

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