Sara Amber The Hedgehog

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A Hedgehog with Demon Blood flowing. was Cast out as a Baby & was Taken into a Orphanage where she grew up until age 12, Other Children didn't like being around her because she was "Different" from the waist down, Was bullied a Lot, resulting to leaving the Orphanage by herself to seek hostility elsewhere. A Royal Knight decided to Help her, but not for free - she was to be trained like a Fighter & Royal Guard like everyone else. At Age 18, She has finished her Training, But was not accepted because they found Demon Blood in her veins, So she was Cast out Again, She doesn't quite understand why Demons & Non-demons can't Co-Exist. At Age 19, She decided to become a Mercenary to be hired for Fighting.. Though plenty had paid her to do things that have nothing to do with Fighting or Protection.. Just give her some food, Money & a temporary place to stay, and she may extend her "Services".

For anyone Adding friend requests, know that Sara wants to Give, not to be the receiver.

Occupation: Knight Mercenary

Friends & Relatives? None as she's aware of. Only Trainers, Employees & Employers.

Weight: 130, Height: 4:10. Bust Size: F, Penis Size: 5-7 Inches

when not on Duty: Looking for a Hearty meal to eat.. or a hearty girl to pound, Cooks at home, Exercise or combat training.

Eyes: Golden Amber. When it glows, That's usually her being Lewdy or Angry, Personality: Serious & Flirty

Combat: Hand-to-Hand, Polearms, Dual Swords, Impure Holy Magic.

Her End goal is to earn a lot of Money for a Place to Stay.. and a nice "Bakery" to give plenty of Creampies~

Palworld is being released on the PS5 =)

i'll provide a link to the PS Store later

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Started Playing Grand Fantasia~

oh & @Gissele Mercado Happy Birthday~ 🍨

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i don't mean to be mean or to upset anyone, but i got plenty of inactive RPs, if no one's willing to keep going(or are gone for weeks), i'm going to start removing friends, have a nice week~<3

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changed a profile picture

I might open a Tower of Fantasy Group, who would help me out though?

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Could maybe someone explain this issue i experienced?

I was on my PS5, Playing My Hero Ultra Rumble, i was trying some games against the recently added character Overhaul, After awhile, i was frozen in place for like a whole minute, i was finally able to move but then i found my HP was nearly gone, i ended up fighting a Bakugo, won & then i was frozen AGAIN, throughout that period, the Playstation button wasn't working, After awhile i got out because i was timed out of the server, stuck on the main screen loading, the playstation button still wasn't working, then, the PS5 somehow lost power. i had to do a database repair after that.

I was playing again after that nonsense.. Seems normal, none of my frames were freezing or dropping, the Playstation button was working.. i truthfully had no idea wtf was going on for 20 minutes.

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