Monsters R Us

  •  ·  Standard
  • 27 friends

Well, welcome to the Monsters R us, a place to rent monsters of your choosing, from your basic creatures such as goblins and slimes, up to the rarest creatures we cannot sadly get into detail. Each creature can be rented or owned, so long as you have the coin and stamina, after all, you're here for a reason you kinky people~ but no judgment from me~.

When picking a creature, be sure to explain what it'll be used for, though most of you will probably wanna ride their di- *Insert intermission audio* and what not, anyway, once your day is done, we expect the creature back in one piece, so long as you don't kill them, otherwise you'll have to be the substitute~

Now while this profile will get a lot of attention, I'll be on and off due to irl, having a job and such takes my time away, and I don't wanna upset some people, so please understand that.

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