Executioner Maid

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An Executioner's Tale

Amira was not born to a high family. She was orphaned and abandoned at a young age, and had to fend for herself. She showed an extraordinary will to live, fighting stray dogs in alleyways for food scraps and drinking dirty water from horse troughs. She enlisted in the army at a young age to earn some coin running supplies and messages between camps. While on one of these runs, she was caught by the enemy and held prisoner for a short time. One of the foreign soldiers attempted to assault the girl, but was so surprised by her 'curse' that the girl was able to tale his dagger and kill him before escaping. That was the first time Amira killed, but it would be far from the last.

Upon returning, word spread. The girl seemed unaffected by taking a life, and expected to go right back to working for the military, but she was wrong. Instead, she was shipped off to a bizarre academy that trained Executioner Maids. Personal executioners of nobles who were kept to decapitate anyone their lord ordered them to, be it farm hands who insulted the lord or maid who spilled one cup of tea too many, as well as any prisoners or other unfortunate souls who would insult their lords. This academy is where the girl spent many years, training and honing her craft. She became one of the best, and as such she was employed by one of the most powerful lords of the land so there was never a lack of necks to sever...

As for Amira herself, she's been described as a mysterious and stoic beauty with an ice cold exterior. In reality, she just doesn't have much experience interacting with people. Most are too scared to approach, and her 'clients' typically aren't too talkative unless it's them begging or praying for their lives. She's 'cursed' as a futanari as well, which makes her nervous to be around anyone in the nude or in intimate situations. Her revealing uniform doesn't exactly help matters, either.


Despite being a futanari, I do erp with males too, and not just the cock hungry ones. Amira can be a bottom, sometimes.

Fun Facts:


Quite possibly a virgin; her status as a futa is often looked at as a curse by others as well as herself. This can sometimes be disregarded though, mainly for pure NSFW RP.

Nihilistic and a bit cynical due to living a life of killing countless otherwise innocent people who were only guilty of upsetting her lord.

She is, in the end, only human however, so her entire point of view can be flipped by the right person.


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