Sakura Igawa

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Sakura is carefree, upbeat and vigorous, but also much more naive and a big airhead at times. Her constant, optimism and support for friends and family is honest and always direct.

Sakura, does enjoy teasing or joke around, specially in the case of her case of romance and unlike her sister, that has given up on the idea, does want to marry at some point. She is lax with housework, which turns her home into a battlefield if her sister isn't around to clean up after her. Sakura would rather drink or plays video games with her friends, most of the time, and this does not change even with higher age. Sakura also is not a morning person and is often pulled out of bed by her older sister.

As a tomboy, she loves the idea of Taimanins being heroes of justice and wishes to protect everybody. Though she acts goofy at times, she gets serious when in fights and can be mature if really called for. As a teacher, she is someone that is easy to deal with and gives her students great and simple advice, she respects her students' accomplishments and would defend them with her own life.

Sakura is obliviously silly and childish a lot of the time, but also very forgiving. Overall, Sakura spreads cheerful vibes where she goes and acts very friendly. She only feels down if she thinks she is a burden to her sister or friends.

Sakura was born, in the year 2058, as the second daughter of the head of the Igawa clan, Igawa Shuzen. Her mother Igawa Kiku died of illness shortly after her birth.

Starting out as a trainee Taimanin in TA1, she became a full-blown Taimanin in TA2, going on missions with her sister. Later in the timeline, she becomes a teacher at Gosha Academy, as shown in Taimanin Yukikaze and Taimanin Asagi 3. In the Action Taimanin timeline, she is still a student, with the age gap between her and Asagi being much wider.

"Welcome to Jump City, you here to audition for the Titans?"

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