Summer Sonaeru

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Summer Sonaeru is the younger sister to Hidan and also a Jashinest. When Summer was a child she was known as a prodigy since she was able to do genjutsu and taijutsu before her fifth birthday though she was always in her older brother's shadow until he murdered people when she gotten older. Summer wields the same three bladed scythe that her brother Hidan had used and she also followed him to being a Jashinest though she left the village after killing and sacrificing the village hokage. Being the only female in the cult had its perks though most men had tried to rape her but she had killed them and left their severed body parts for their significant others to find

Name: Summer Sonaeru Origin: Naruto Gender: Female Classification: Human Ninja Age: 21 Powers and Abilities: Super speed, strength, durability, agility, stamina, the ability to use chakra, which can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise (can be used to enhance physical abilities and create elemental attacks), immortality (type 2, possibly type 4 - would be extremely low-tier Deity by feats), adept at Taijutsu; particularly with her over-sized three-bladed scythe Weaknesses: Lack of regeneration makes Summer rather easily incapacitated; decapitation being the simplest method Destructive Capacity: Building level+ Range: Extended human melee range with scythe Speed: Hypersonic+ Lifting Strength: Superhuman Striking Strength: Class GJ Stamina: Extremely high Standard Equipment: Large three-bladed scythe, Jashin necklace Intelligence: Average; a skilled shinobi Notable Attacks/Techniques: - Jujutsu: Shiji Hyōketsu: By ingesting the blood of her enemies, and standing inside the Jashin insignia; which she draws with her own blood, she can cause any wound inflicted upon herself to also be experienced by her victim. - Jashin Immortality Technique: It is unknown how the followers of Jashin devolved this technique; but however it was done, it effectively made Summer unkillable. However, her immortality is far from perfect. While Summer can be put back together, she does not have any innate regenerative abilities of her own. This can make her relatively easy to incapacitate, especially if her opponent knows about her immortality

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