Kazuki Xento

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The arcane trickster is back. Son of two powerful gods. He doesn't know who they are nor have they ever relieved themselves to him. Kazuki does his best to keep the balance of things in check. Collecting dangerous artifacts, slaying demi gods and demons alike.He lives in a former hotel that he remodeled.

Abilities: healing factor, dobblebombs: ice copies when hit launch icy spikes out, castling (He can switch spots with a copy or an object he tagged. Range is 100ft.) Ice Manipulation. Shadow manipulation.

Personality: fun loving and a bit of a tease. He likes to crack jokes and is a caring soul. He likes to help out those in need. But he also likes to piss off the people that he hates. He dislikes those who takes advantage of the weak.

I opened the store got to leave early and now im closing. And I opened again tomorrow. I kind of hope that I don't have to repeat that tomorrow

I was meant to house so weekends.Uh, but due to the fact that they cut my hours and I had to pick up an extra day . So i'm not in the greatest mood