Hexen Clan Wandering Witch

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Emma is a very compassionate person. She carries herself in a quiet, yet polite and courteous demeanor, which makes her very well liked among the other students. She generally follows her tasks without much question and rarely, if ever, disregards them. Despite this, she is equally pragmatic as well as secretive.

Emma remains modest in most of her interactions with her classmates. She acknowledges Machias' one-sided academic rivalry with dismissal and kindness, and she also tutors Fie to help her with paying attention in class and getting better grades.

Emma was born in Eryn, the hidden village of the Hexen Clan in Isthmia Great Forest, Erebonia.

After her mother's death, Roselia acted as a surrogate grandparent for Emma. Roselia created Celine to serve as Emma's familiar.

In S.1204, she starts studying at Thors Military Academy, where her academic disposition quickly resulted in her becoming the class president. She joins the Literature club and remains a faithful friend to Fie Claussell. As a member of the Hexen Clan, it is her duty to guide the Awakener of the Ashen Knight, Rean Schwarzer, and this is actually her true purpose for enrolling at the Academy. Celine accompanies her, undercover as a normal cat.

Emma initially does well to disguise her abilities and heritage, but is first forced to use them in front of her friends discreetly to unlock a waterway in Bareahard. She is also on the lookout for Vita Clotilde, a fellow witch for abandoned the village, but an enchantment had the effect of forcing her to just miss every encounter until Vita reveals herself towards the climax. By the end of the exploration of the Old Schoolhouse and the discovery of Valimar, Emma's identity has been revealed.

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