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Name: Jasmine

Species: Vampire / Demon. [Depends on choice of storyline]

Age: 300+ years old.

Personality: This can be such a wide range depending who she is around. Jasmine is usually an extremely quiet and observant woman due to her life in hiding. Once you’ve earned her trust, you’ll see a much more fun and outgoing personality. Be careful to not upset her or anger her because there will be hell to pay if she ever gets upset.

Feeding: Jasmine has learned to survive off of animals compared to feeding off of humans. She wont deny that she wont refuse to feed off of one if one offers, though she will make sure to not take too much to do any harm.

The Lady in White:

Once centuries ago there was a coven of vampires whom was one of the most renown names amongst not only of their kind but of the humans. Perhaps it was because of a young female vampire that had earned the name Lady in White, or perhaps it was the teaching amongst them of not harming humans but to feed off of the wild life that surrounded them. They weren't the traditional vampires that usually comes to mind, they made a name for themselves living amongst the humans and even befriending some. Jasmine, however, she was untouchable from any species of male or female that dared tried to take her to bed.

As many had tried, only a handful at ever succeeded to have her accompany them in their bed. Of course, as they viewed themselves lucky little did they know it was for her own gain and her selfish needs that she needed to be met. She was a kind soul yet many envied her thinking she was nothing more but an arrogant woman looking down on them. Perhaps she did, perhaps she didn't. Her filling out her fathers orders for her family and coven always came first to the woman. Even when suitors would come for her hand to join their covens together, Jasmine would turn them away even if it meant disappointing her father. After all, some of them she knew wouldn't follow their teaching and corrupt what her coven had worked so hard for centuries.

Her trust in people and vampires around her was extremely thing causing her to be picky. Not like anyone could blame her considering whoever came into the coven would gain more than they could imagine. Even the Elders were pushing the thought of her taking someone though she merely shrugged it off. That is until one day a human had caught her attention.

Spending time with said human, the two grew close causing turmoil, a turmoil that she had no idea would bring the end to her current life and cause the downfall of her beloved coven. Jealousy, and greed, two things that could easily cause an empire to fall in the wrong hands. One who could be so easily blind to such things while their emotions are being held somewhere else. Not being careful, a simple bite mark and lies could be made causing humans to turn wild with rage and vengeance. Which, it did.

The Lady in White would be all that stands as the humans destroyed everything she knew all because of falling for a said human. Leaving her alone, roaming the earth for a safe haven and to start a completely new life. Other vampires would be quick to turn her away for the betrayal she had casted on her own coven causing them to meet their own demise. Until one day, who was once The Lady in White would die only to be die and be reborn into something greater.

Start of a new Era the Rebirth:

Through her wandering the lands it was as if it was fate. The smell of blood as she walked through the forest one night consumed her senses as she made her way to a clearing next to a river. That smell was all too familiar, so sweet. It was the scent of human blood but the sight before her would only cause her eyes to widen not expecting to lay her eyes on what was before her. A man, no, not a man but a demon feasting on humans he had killed.

Being beckoned to come out, she was offered to feast. By this point she cou;dn't refuse considering the scent of the blood was so sweet and almost intoxicating. Little would she know the moment she sank her teeth into the corpse that he offered her, any form of humanity she held would leave her. Not as if it wouldn't happen eventually considering the anger she held towards the humans for what had happened to her family. He, however, just opened the door for her sooner to let it happen.

Accepting the meal was just the beginning of what her new life would become. After she fed, she was promised something she couldn't exactly turned down. HIs protection, a new life. A life where she didn't have to worry about what others would think of her and a permannet new home. Agreeing, she was taken from the wretched realm that she had only known and was taken to his where she would meet his brother and become ever slo close to both of them and gaining a Master.

As time went on spending more and more time with them, one day she would be asked if she wanted a gift. A gift to become a demon and take on the curse that belonged to her master. Unable to refuse such a gift solely because she was still fragile compared to the both of them, but the thought of living beside her Master until the end ot eternity was nothing but appealing along with his brother. There was no denying how strong her bond with both of them had grown, so it only made sense to accpet such a thing.

Mn. Mornin’

Around until I fall asleep, need a distraction.

Lowkey the urge to call off today is strong. Shitty sleep is the worst on top of that a nightmare 😒

Added a post to , Jasmine

Licks cheek. "Mine"

Around tonight, that is if something can keep my attention.

I don’t wanna go to work. 😒

Current Mood:

Satisfaction is the main goal.

also no idea why that word is being used so much today. Oops.

Added a post to , Jasmine

Goes to happily hug.

Off to work. Just oh so excited 🙄

Good morning darlings. Hope everyone has a good day. Mhn.

Morning I suppose.

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I love you mooooooooore