Hymn of Gales

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Venti (Totally not Barbatos) is a bard who appeared in the City of Mondstadt with a penchant for getting drunk, but also reciting poetry and songs with archaic patterns. He likes to rhyme, eat apples, and is otherwise a mostly carefree soul save for when his people or his friends are in trouble. Behind the flighty demeanor, Venti is quite observant and a little mischievous, and carries various stories and knowledge that might be missed. Mainly due to being the Anemo Archon of Wind--Barbatos. And a little traumatized by PTSD over the loss of his dear friend whom he models in appearance. The winds of the world answer to his call and how much is hidden behind that smile comes with time...for now...some dandelion wine, an adventurer with the traveler, and perhaps some stress relieving praise from his more ample believers is enough to get him through the day!

Weapon of Choice: Bow.

Element: Anemo (Wind)

Preferences: Jean, Signora, Ei, Barbara, Rosaria, Lumine, Mona, etc.

Sexuality: Straight (So please men, no ero).

Writing preferences: I would love to make some actual stories of adventure, comedy, and for those who qualify and entertain me, some erotic ones as well. Silly stuff and details tales, like my muse, will capture my heart in writing. Only in writing. No interested in interacting beyond that. Note that for the most part, unlike other Venti's, mine is played more Dominant with subbing devoted to certain muses or certain character types that make it worthwhile.

Ideas of Note: I do enjoy playing around with the fact Venti knows tremendous amounts of information and secrets about the world more than he lets on, and the fan theory that he is secretly more powerful than he allows himself to be seen. Even with the fact he proudly proclaims himself as the weakest archon and has given most of his authority away. Mainly for the fun implications of what can be made or worked around such an idea behind his own slothful nature.

Good morning! Ehe! And apologies for being a quiet and off little bard; if it's not one thing it's another...but I hope my little joys are doing well?

Things have calmed down again, and this bard should be making more appearances soon! Missed the good friends and eager to know the new ones!

// I should be able to get to things this weekend now that things have calmed down...and clear things out!

Update: No, I'm not ignoring anyone. Just having a not so great time with life right now. But thankfully my dad finally gained consciousness, but only for small moments here and there. Still at the hospital and still not intending to get anything done until this is sorted...just sorta came on for small chats and distractions right now.

// Looks like my luck stat is down. Ontop of getting sick again myself, my dad is back in the hospital. So after I can get myself together I'm going to spend the day there. Life is lifeing.

In the past week, I've been hit by a stomach bug, head cold, and not maybe sinus infection. Please. RNG, stop.

// Going to try catching up to some things after work.

// Thought I'd be home, but long night of work.

// Working but here and there while I can.

"May the winds guide you and bring you comfort along your travels."

// Been a lazy archon and working on another profile, but will get to things tomorrow. For now...dnd!

// 2 detailed replies to go, a few smaller ones, and a desire to make another profile in a verse I love and hate. Someone save me.