Amara Knight

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Name: Amara Knight

Age: 124

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Accent: English

Height/Weight: 4'9/54kg

Dynamic: Switcheroo

Writing: Multi-Para/Novella Preferred


Originating from the heart of England, Amara spent her youthful years in pursuit of knowledge, learning primarily a vast set of skills regarding restoration and providing aid towards souls in need. Though tedious and challenging, she enjoyed her life nonetheless - inevitably becoming a surgeon after years of dedication. It gave her a sense of purpose.

A reason to wake up every morning with utmost fulfillment, more so once the first love of her life with a ring adorned in sapphire to which matched her eyes perfectly. Along with him, the birth of a daughter. Married at the age of twenty-six, she felt on top of the world. Every day was a new adventure, yielding cherish memories and unexpected experiences to which instilled a feeling of jubilation as deep as her soul. She felt.. indestructible.

Until such a dream came to an abrupt and tragic end.To this day, she can't clearly recall the events of her own death. Only her reawakening - the macabre before her eyes as her loved ones laid dismembered and torn apart throughout her home. Grief stricken and devastated, she groveled amidst anguish, inevitably blacking out once more through intense shock and a bitter feeling of sickness.


Cold. Exhaustion. Heightened senses. A dozen new realities manifested throughout her being over the course of a single night. Those that would test her endurance for agonizing years to pass. But all paled in comparison against the one primary truth that would define the rest of her life. Hunger. She struggled to accept her fate. A present and future to where she would take others' lives instead of giving, effectively diminishing what little purpose she still desperately held onto.

Through years of conflict with her own helplessly sadistic nature along with the grief of a past life, she succumbed to her own darkness. Madness split her mind. Part of her began to crave the violence - every drop of sweet blood procured at the expense of another's life.. even their shortly-lived screams moments prior to their demise. But as a darker persona thrived, what light remained within her mind despised every moment. The torment, the thrill of blasphemous acts, and unbridled gluttony - every moment was a blissful nightmare. And in time, Amara surrendered and adapted entirely to her new life.


Having hopelessly embraced her malicious present and future, Amara spends her days in leisure, learning to enjoy her endless lifestyle versus despising every moment it warrants. Eventually, she crosses paths with a man by the name of Kori Rieper – a serial killer of which she inevitably transforms into an entirely different breed of predator. Though he ascends far beyond a simple vampire, the creation of a coven takes place, formed by his hand and a darkened desire to unite and guide a particular group into a new era of vampiric supremacy.

Inevitably joining to see his dream realized, she procures a blood seal, seared upon the flesh of her midsection - granting a handful of abilities regarding restoration as well as indestructible protection through blood manipulation. Even the freedom to walk beneath the sun once more.

【𝟎𝟎𝟒】𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐀𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲: 𝐑𝐢𝐣𝐞𝐧𝐞

Amara Knight, as Kori's maker, possessed an unparalleled strength that was awe-inspiring. After solidifying her position as co-leader of Kyuketsuki, Amara got her bloodmark and with it unlocked a formidable ability known as Rijene. This unique power granted her complete control over blood, positioning her as a force to be reckoned with. While some might perceive her as a healer or support, the reality was that her ability encompassed both offensive and defensive capabilities.

In times of danger, Amara's blood would instinctively mobilize to shield and protect her, acting as an automatic defense mechanism. The blood would surge and swirl around her, forming an impenetrable barrier against any incoming attacks. However, Amara's mastery over blood extended far beyond mere defensive maneuvers. She seamlessly harnessed its power to devastating effect.

One striking manifestation of her bloodmark was the ability to manipulate blood like water. It flowed effortlessly, ensnaring unsuspecting victims in a coffin of drowning blood. With a mere thought, Amara could exert immense pressure, crushing her adversaries within the confines of this macabre prison. The sheer force of her blood manipulation left a lasting impression, as it showcased the true extent of her power.

But Amara's utilization of blood went beyond offensive tactics. She possessed the uncanny ability to utilize blood as a healing agent, mending wounds and restoring vitality to herself and others. This versatility made her an invaluable asset, ensuring her place amongst the upper echelons of the Kyuketsuki.

Amara Knight epitomized the essence of a formidable monster, wielding her bloodmark ability with precision and finesse. Her command over blood, coupled with her innate strength, solidified her standing as the ultimate defense/force within the vampire coven. Witnessing the extent of her skill and witnessing the mesmerizing display of her blood manipulation was nothing short of awe-inspiring.


Amara is a creature driven by instinct and controlled by her thirst. She's malicious, callous and often cold due to years of mental isolation. She's fallen into the grips of madness several times throughout her existence, thus she's known to randomly talk to herself on occasion — especially if she believes she's alone.

She's quiet, reserved, undeniably observant. As a predator, she lurks and spectates others from a distance long before initiating contact; whether it be harmless or entirely hostile. Interaction isn't an activity she's incredibly fond of, but once she meets someone particularly interesting, she does her best to seem somewhat passive and even sweet on occasion.

Good evening. Working on replying to the most of you. Hope everyone has been well.


So early. 💤

I think I'm alive. 😴

Added a post to , Amara Knight

Look how happy you'll look with a giant gummy worm magic trick.

Sending some replies soon. zuz

A reminder that you had requested your BDSM for this weekend. Remember to bring your own stationary notes and pencils. The test will be week long so be prepared to be exhausted by the end!

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