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Just another Brute. Respectable in the streets but a menace in the sheets. Six foot nine, likes all sorts of figures (female)--- if it has a hole (female), it has a hole (female). Muscular, super strong and with some otherworldly powers he inherited to survive the cruel world of demons and angels, but the angels tend to cast a bigger shadow these days! As for the other measurement? Prepared to be construed, protruded, bloated and stretched in all sorts of way! A god slayer in more ways than one.

Easy to get along with, just introduce yourself and let the magic happen!

-Random starters most welcomed

- Limits: Scat/vore/snuff, excessively weird shit

*Rings bell* Here, here. I beseech thee, pry with thine ears onto maters unfold for I dare say I request the finest throats of all the realms to cometh to mine service at once!

I am the best so it's okay to be obsessed with me.

Any beautiful women want to take me on a grand tour of their wonderous insides? I'm feeling like a billionaire and trying to sink deep like the Titanic.

I need a bad bitch that keeps on keeping on like she's a porter in Death Stranding. The way I make these women cum and go, you might as well call me Mac D because I'm clearly running a takeaway service.

I need my dick sucked. I'll be slightly gentler this time.

changed a profile picture

I need a premium, high quality, throat haver to message me right meow. Fur science.

I require a premium throat to use until I hear the sound effects. I can't do that yet. I don't have enough energy, can't use that throat so soon. Call you an MMORPG the way I want to spam use that throat.

Yeah I'm alive. Yeah work is giving me no time. Yeah I still need my monstrous cock thoroughly sucked off. Same ol', same 'ol.

Roses are throat

Violets are throat

Throat is throat

Throat, throat, throat

I need to use somebody's fucking throat


Warhammer 40k but it's just me seeing if I can breed 40k women.

Any high quality throat havers online?