Minos The Minotaur

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Minos was once known as the beast of the labyrinth from the Greek legend. It was once believed that Minos was killed by the Greek hero Theseus who escaped the maze that imprisoned him from the outside world, but in reality, Minos had faked his death during his battle with Theseus to use the Greek heroes as a means to escape from the underground maze his father had left him to live in for the rest of life now. Now Minos is free from the maze that once confirmed him, and now he explores the world indulging on what there is to find and what the world will provide him whether be it the fruits from the trees or the women that are unfortunate to cross his path

I am so excited to be such a pain to you~


Poke poke

I was once asked if I was into BDSM. This is my current answer to the question from now on

Current Mood:

Book store signs be getting more honest now a days lol

Current Mood:

Welp my fat finger accidentally unfriend someone Dx my bad

I’ll be working on replies tomorrow. I finally got my hands on Yakima infinite wealth… and I’m completely addicted on playing it ;3; sorry for leaving some of y’all hanging

Barnes and nobles have a monster fucker section!!

For the most part I am caught up, but I have one reply I need to really sit down to read and work on. Sadly I have to put off for tonight, since I just spent a bit too much time in the sun dealing with my dogs nasty cut.

replies on hold for a bit. I have to clean a cut on one my dogs and give a shot to be safe!

I know I’ve been lazy on my replies and IOU, but today I’ll be sitting down with my laptop and start popping them out.