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Rixia is a young woman with long thick Indigo hair tied in a top pony tail with a loop, and matching eyes. Rixia wears a variety of outfits throughout the series, however her main outfits include:

Moon Princess: A costume for performing in the Arc en Ciel consisting of a white bandeau, waist cloth, boots, flared arm coverings and a gold headdress with moon iconography. Rixia wears several bead bracelets and necklaces and her body is covered in green tribal markings.

Yin (former): Rixia uses a mystical technique to disguise her true form and appear as a male. She wears long black trousers and a thick black cloak with protective metal plats. Her arm coverings give the appearance of feathers and extend past her hands. The outfit has a lilac trim. Covering her head is a hooded mask consisting of two layers and a metal mask, obscuring most of her face.

Yin (present): No longer using neigong to disguise herself, Rixia's face is out in the open, using a white ribbon in her hair. She wears a revealing blue and violet qipao variant with gold patterns that is open at the sides where it is laced up. She wears no leggings, using only thigh high stocking boots covered in metal reinforcement and a the long drape of her purple qipao, also ending in a metal plate. Rixia uses mauve metal armour on her arms consisting of several separate plates laced together and a clawed metal gauntlet is worn on one hand. Rixia uses lots of red cord to tie all of her outfit together.

Rixia is armed with an incredibly large 'demon sword' with a very thick blade, extended handle and a tip ending in a hook like shape. The blade is navy blue with violet markings across the central part.


Rixia is a polite young lady with a strong passion for dancing, but is humble towards her own capabilities. As Yin, her personality shifts to display more confidence and one that tests the strength of the Crossbell State Police Department. She finds herself questioning the path of being a dancer or an assassin, often leading to self doubt.

Rixia was born and raised in Edith, Calvard in S.1187. She grew up with her father, the then-current Yin. She has no memories of her mother, which led her to think that her father possibly moved out with Rixia in order to pass down the title of Yin on his daughter. Her father was neither strict nor gentle, and only saw to her training. While travelling across Calvard, she attended the local Sunday school and got in touch with a great number of people.

The rest of her days were filled with rigorous training and practice with concealed weapons and Fu Shu. Inheriting the title of Yin also involved inheriting the knowledge and skills of her predecessors. As she progressed her training, Rixia felt that she became Yin. However, since there could be only one Yin active, Rixia spent her days at home honing her skills while waiting for her father to return home. He would never answer her questions as to when she would become acting Yin.

In S.1201, Rixia inherited the role of acting Yin when her father contracted an incurable disease. Although he was perceived as the strongest Yin history had known, the disease was too serious for him to overcome. Her father did not see a doctor or consider medical treatment. From his deathbed, he told Rixia she would inherit the title of Yin with his death. For the first time in her life, Rixia was afraid and told her father she would not be able to do it on her own. Her father told her that she should define her own role as Yin.

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