Mystery Man

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At the age of 25, he was a man who lost everything. His friends family, and everything he ever known gone in a blink of an eye. Like any normal person, you would fight to your last breath when you are told on your 20th birthday, he it's your time to die, when you were promised your freedom. Well, didn't know your freedom was a young end. The cost for fighting said fate, was everyone else's death. But we aren't here to talk about that... that's old news.

What is going on with him now you might be asking, he is living his best life. Traveling the multiverse, exploring what is different about each and every different one. Many people might get to know him, whether it is for a short time, a few months perhaps longer. Mystery never really gave into the idea of there is not one not worth meeting, what their goals are upon meeting him, different story. Mystery has had a very different outlook on life since his last 50 years trapped in stone. One dream failed, but millions if not more, other dreams are possible. And so, he continues on alone. But, are we really every alone? All those who followed with you in the past, living or dead, craft who you are today. Mystery at least believes so.

professor mcgonagall aka Maggie Smith, R.I.P

So close to it...

One more week left...

What can I do if I greet them and they never say a word, just leave them as a number and move on?

Fighting to keep my sanity, today might not be my best day...

A struggle playing a new game alone.

Damn why people wanna hack after all these years?

Well, no changes.... as funny as that sounds...

I never been called a monkey before, by a black woman no less.

Sometimes I say the dumbest things.

changed a profile picture