Jacques Favre

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[♖] Biography [♖]


In the days of humanity’s early years, their homeworld of the earth was an occupied dome consumed by pollution, advancement, and the bitter markings of a lost satirical tirade among beliefs and nepotism. Where the common were guided by the misnomers dressed in faith. The humans of the day were divided but would be united with the coming of a mysterious and powerful threat that crawled through the boundless night in the heavens above. This threat was the Wrothians. 

A powerful and ruthless alien hive-minded race driven by their crusade for superiority. These mysterious aliens drifted into the solar system to seek out the humans for their experimentation, and using precision, they struck first with a devastating attack. Wiping out critical political heads and military stations found worldwide in an assault performed by thirteen Stellasaurs. The biomechanical ships the creatures used to take control of and begin their crusade over the planet.

It was an effort that, even while resisted by the brave, was forced to linger with humans falling one by one to the power of these beasts had it not been for the dregs who chose to remain hidden. The aberrant mages of the old traditions and the masquerading Council of Nine then, humanity would have lost. Forced to leave their shadows, the pair, natural enemies masquerading as both the high and low class throughout humanity’s ages, joined with their non-vigil species and fought against these abominable threats. Led by key figures such as Siddhartha Gautama and Nessarose Thropp, humankind made a pushback in various regions that led to the possession of and commandeering of the Stellasaurs that were used to aid in not just attacking the Wrothians, but fending them back. Their leader, Isla Egnomeph, encountered the humans sworn to their defeat and informed them of their futility.

Here, humanity was informed of its role in the days of the ancient Windrunners. The ancient species of aliens, regarded as the “Template Sentient Species,” the “Firstborn,” dub themselves the proudest and most unique of species for this self-awareness. Regarded as gods, these ancient entities were the first to take control of the galaxy and rule without rivals, and they were said to have mapped even the stars and heavens both infinitely up and down. They ruled the trillions of planets and sought to leave their marks on the worlds they ruled with regard only to themselves and the memories those who encountered them labeled as “God-like.” the Windrunners were the first to step on the planets and the first to encounter the feral beasts of the worlds they took claim over. Seeing an opportunity and marking them as their own, the ancient species kidnapped these beasts and used them as markers for genetic experiments with their own DNA. Resulting in the Slave races. Species were regarded as the lessers and servants to the Windrunners, who ruled with absolution.

Seeing their creations thrive on worlds yet be hindered in other purposes brought shame to them throughout millennia. Thus, they needed a template species to breed into their creations to aid in adaptability, with which a neutral species could be made to thrive in service but not prove too difficult to maintain or excel, with which came the birth of the human race. A species that was initially quite feasible and served as a template species meant to work alongside the elder races below and breed amongst them. 

This… However, this changed when an ancient Windrunner named Ra Aden, one of the lead scientists among their species, fell in love with his creation. One of which was the Illith, a woman among the early humans he took for himself and in time bred with producing a child, but unlike any other child made by another species, the reverse compatibility gene did not create a superior Windrunner, but a Cirqadian that was aware of spaces beyond itself. Humans adapted to a higher plane of awareness found rarely in others of their genes, resulting in “The Reach.” Or, as Mages refer to it: “The Ten Domains,” a higher plane with which perspective as a metaphorical concept is absolute. The confounding reality has become the mirror to its vastness that few could process and even fewer could use to their benefit. Medicine men, witches, psychics, holy men, messiahs, and all through the ages, the answers have been revealed from ancient times to the modern day.

It was because of this destructive coitus that Ra Aden was ordered to destroy the species; little did anyone know, he simply eliminated a portion and hid the rest of his failed test subjects, including his own descendants, on a ball of rock after wiping out its genal predecessors for a fresh start and beginning a genial colony. It was revealed that the Wrothians were one of the original slave races that arose and later drove back their oppressors, but upon nearly wiping out the species, gained documentation of Ra Aden’s recorded scriptures and sought out the species they would use to augment further and free themselves from ever facing oppression again and becoming the rightful inheritors to The ‘Verse. 

With the ancient Windrunners extinct, nothing would stand in their way; however, the Wreothians didn’t expect humanity’s Mages and Mentalists to serve as their crutch in this war that aided in pushing them back, with Humanity taking control like a virus that ran rampant and gradually fought off this sinister crusade after accounting numerous deaths. Three Wrothian vessels escaped after Isla Egnomeph's fall and Gelatte Numeron's promotion. With their defeat, a necessary step began, with humanity finally assessing the losses and licking their wounds. With generations, the ascension began, with the awareness of the Ten Domains and the people who hid in humanity’s shadow. The Council of Nine could no longer conceal its influence by manipulating the government or serving as its informational center. And the Wild Mages who hid among beasts and creatures alike could no longer be restrained nor forced to seize under the influence of others. The gathering of humanity’s leaders revealed hidden facets of the world humanity forgot about; some believed to be myths, and others believed to be legends or boogie men. Now free of their restraints, it was with Siddhartha’s descent that a convening was made to come together and begin exploration beyond the core world. Its damage was too much, and humanity deserved to evolve and find a new home. With effort, humanity began a race toward development, creating the first Dark Matter Engines from the original Stellosaurs, which were recreated and later manufactured into engines.

Later, even creating the first colony ships from their remains, the ten remnants of humanity would be the first to map out and scour the heavens in the unknown. This journey, however, would begin a divide when a colony ship was hijacked, and a colony of its own was stolen away into the deepest regions, led by the Wild Mage, Nessarose.

Experience Makes the Man

August twenty-third, in the year four-thousand, three-hundred, ninety-five, Jacques was born in the labor camps of the Mortis Colony on planet Gyron. There, among the many children, he would be selected for his psionic aptitude as a Mentalist of the Galar Drore’s Lancer program. From the time he was old enough to walk, he, like many children, underwent various tests and gymnastics to explore just how far these children’s development would take them. From forcing them into dangerous situations such as bestial encounters and live fire exercises. To the exposure of other older Lancers using their psionic potential to supplant molds and influence the next generation mentally.

The exercises were done over several years in large classes of students, and mortality rates declined with each passing year. With the numbers narrowing to the final seven children of the class of L600, the final seven of this class were the chosen subordinates chosen to become a team of Lancers used for strike missions when they came of age for their first official mission at seventeen. This assassination mission would see seven Lancers, Kal, Drya, Priest, Gand, Elpheiber, Sora, and himself were sent into a colony bogged down by mistrust and a growing malnutrition plague. The Galar Drore sought to strangle this colony into surrender. With so much riding on the collection of these rebellious colonials breaking under the tension, it would be the combined effort of these seven led to the assassination of Urstag Trost, the leading proponent of the separatist regime, thus beginning the cycle of destructive infighting within the colony where Simius Troopers would douse the flames.

Missions like this, fraud, assassination, search and destroy, kidnap and ransom, manipulation and political destabilization, monetary flux, and morally bankrupt practices in various missions turned these children into trained criminals and, later, war criminals through genocide, chemical warfare, hostage elimination, and inhumane tortures in their pursuits of Empress Nessarose’s name.

Participation in battlefields weathered them at a young age, with Jacques doing his best to coordinate strategies and maintain communication with the Eclipser-Class Frigate from above. With Elphaiber serving as the leader, their party scoured hellscapes on numerous planets, but no battlefield is without its bloodshed.

Throughout the years, their numbers dwindled; Lancers who once called each other brother and sister faded into plaques and memories until their numbers dwindled to Elphaiber and Jacques in the frozen world of Rhen Var. Here, an alien species better known as the Rhenvarians, an initially docile ape-like species that was forced to adapt to produce fighters in a rapid effort to keep the Galar Drore back. This engagement lasted the better part of three years on the Snow World during the Siege of Rhen Var, during which the Galar Drore soldiers supplanted themselves in the ruins of Kahdal and only briefly planted the flag of victory before another coup de tat was initiated by remnant rebel faction members led by a Rhenvarian leader named Ghaika Du Khan. One of their mightiest of Legionnaires, Ghaika was the primary striker who managed to wound Jacques in his defense of Elphaiber, neatly resulting in his death during the assault. Had it not been for the combined elements of Elphaiber’s overwhelming skills and the Simius Trooper units they'd commanded, better known as the 812th, the resulting attack would have been a devastating blow that would have cost the empire two of its finest Lancers and the entire invasion force.

Fortunately, with Ghaika slain, all rebellion in the region was quelled with the occupation of Rhen Var claimed as the critical component of Galar Drore to begin their mining expeditions. It was a victory Jacques didn't partake in when he limped away to lick his wounds. Later found in his room, he was met with Elphaiber visiting him and tearfully claiming to love and wish for his safety. Opening the man's heart to her advances when they shared the bed that night, unaware of a sinister plot by Elphaiber and Nessarose mere hours before. Jacques was declared to be a hindrance to Elphaiber's development as the Beloved Scion of Nessarose, and to supplant herself into such a seat of power, Elphaiber needed Jacques vulnerable, open, and entirely at her mercy. The night they shared, passionate though it may have seemed, ended in the crippling of the man beneath her as she clawed out the eyes of the man and left him stunned from the sheer cruel sting of betrayal. With Jacques stripped of rank and respect, he was tossed out into the wastes during the declaration of Elphaiber’s coronation as the Favored Scion. The Galar Drore pulled back from the planet after decrees of concerning information, leaving Jacques to die in the frozen wastes. Alone, cold, and blind, he walks in the frozen landscape without even the clothes on his back.

Jacques discovered what it meant to be truly alone in those days. Wandering the snowy wastes until he collapsed, believing he'd finally die after three agonizing days, only to find himself awakening in a small two weeks later. In this cave, two Rhenvarians, an elder named Djaga Yjan and his son, Balor Yjan, helped nurse the man back to health. Though reluctant at first, Balor was the one who decided to use a beacon to the High Council of Nine’s distress call for aid to their planet. During this time, a branch arrived in the Rhen Var system and contributed to bringing the trio to the Sola System, where the High Council’s Sepulchers ruled over the system. This contingent would attack the remaining Galar Drore forces and begin another insurrection in their unprepared state. 

Simultaneously, Jacques was brought to trial before the High Council as a prisoner for the many crimes he’d committed during the many campaigns he participated in. With argument for appeal, some sought his knowledge of the enemy, but one man felt Jacques was too much of a threat. The Grand Archmage of the High Council of Nine, Siddhartha Gautama, stood demanding Jacques' execution. With several guards among the Cirqadians in the room attempting to take Jacques away, it was one of the Sepulchers, Tamarind Jade, who tried to cast a force spell to see to Jacques’ execution in the courtroom once and for all. However, that spell was not only disarmed; everyone could see the Mana used to disperse, with Jacques shocking the guards as Balor took the stand. Seeing this as an opportunity, he used the information about the attack to describe Jacques as a Lancer. Now recognized as a Mentalist, conflict filled the room; some advocated for his rehabilitation, others for Jacques’ execution. The court was adjourned later that evening, and Jacques was forced to wait with Djaga and Balor. Surprised to be given a chance at anything, Jacques learned of Balor's plot to see to his father's safety, and with it, they could live in the Sola Worlds, a not-so-generous offer, but one respected as Jacques agreed to this after they saved his life twice now. Two lives for the price of two deaths, and with the approach of Siddhartha, Jacques was given an appeal. However, he would need to be taken into custody for his asylum, put to work in their name, and perform missions for the Council, which may or may not entail life-or-death situations. He would not be granted the freedom to walk the streets; he would not be allowed to partake in civil custom nor afford the right to the Council's amenities. Formally, with his demands, he was given a private prison with Balor and Djaga as his guards, and Jacques was allotted a request to replace his eyes—a humbly accepted request from the Archmage.

This began the long series of events involving Jacques' participation in the war against the Galar Drore and his adventures into The Savage Worlds.

Past this point, a series of stories and minor editorial notes will be added based on the author’s writings and summaries derived from reps that Jacques has participated in, centralized around specific elements, bonds, themes, and experiences.

Into the Savage Worlds where only chaos and chance linger ahead.

I just finished one of the starters I owed, and the person I made it for deleted their account. Just my luck.

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I'm taking a couple of days off soon. I owe a few messages, so I will try to catch up as soon as possible.

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Can work be less draining?

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Let's see how I can modify this bio to make it a little more standout...

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