·   ·  17 polls

(Pokémon Gen2) You can only choose one....

Comments (11)
    • Dang… I was a Pokemon Crystal Girlie

      • I class the 3rd games as (DLC with fixes) lol.

        • 1
      • Gold, no question about it.

        • 1
        • Gold, and it's not close.

          • Silver

            • Wait I don't remember which I voted for 😮‍💨

              • 😆 1
              • Clicky teh numberz next 2 teh graph!

                • 😥 1
                • I clicked the wrong emote by accident, but thanks. XD

                  • 😏 1
                • I wanted silver so bad but I bought gold because that's all that the Kmart had and since it was going out of business it was cheaper. Eventually I did get silver...but I remember this so vividly lol

                  • 1
                  • Oi what?! I had somewhat the same experience at Kmart but I ended up getting Emerald because ours was finally going out of business. Spent my birthday money on it and pizza that day, was so good.

                    • 1
                    • I didn't have my money at the time and I was like "grandma I need to go home to get it and come back!" I was determined

                      • 💓 1
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