Chiyo Ukimoro

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~Hellfire's Spark~

Chiyo is a demonic woman whose birth is surrounded in horrible circumstance. A union between the holy and unholy that is universally agreed to be taboo sparks shadowy deals and backalley exchanges to be made between the opposing heaven and hell. To prevent her coming, the heads of these realms agree to warrant a manhunt for the angel and devil who dared to become one, labelling them as "conspirators" against the very nature of the universe. These were Chiyo's parents and knowing that the couple were not strong enough to stave off the endless forces from not one but two worlds, decided to put a plan in motion while things were being organized against them. Unbeknownst to them, Chiyo was already born, a small crimson infant. The plan was to hide her in a secret pocket on the human world, a bubble unknown to mostly everyone else, a secluded place where time flowed differently. A secret realm connecting to many different places and it was inside this small world that Chiyo was placed so that she would be safe and unseen from those who would see her dead. Out of love for their daughter, the two parents emerged and purposely gave themselves up in order to take attention away from their child.

The matter was eventually settled with their rumored execution, yet somehow the circumstances behind their disappearance was a mystery to all except the highest echelon . The child was hidden and raised by a human family in this secret world, her name given to her by her foster parents. Her upbringing was a lot less terrible as she was treated with love and compassion from her adoptive parents. She wanted for nothing, until the time came for her to start questioning about where she came from...why her parents looked different than her. The two humans eventually showed her to a lone home deep within this world's mystical forest and told her all about how her real parents used this place to getaway from the peering eyes of the rest of the universe. When she came of age, Chiyo inherited everything that was considered her parents' estate, moving into the lone home and discovering bits and pieces about her family. The foster parents conveyed the mysteries behind why they disappeared, only explaining why their own hunches they developed over the years. So Chiyo, now an exceptional fighter and protector of her current home, decided that she would discover the truth. Risking her existence to be known she would commonly make trips into the rest of the human world in search of information about who she was and what happened to her biological parents. Her travels would put her into contact with all manner of people and creatures, take her on all sorts of adventures, in search of information. Who knows when or if she will find an answer she is satisfied with.


Basic rundown: Longtime demon woman who still has yet to fulfill her destiny. Chiyo is always depicted as a crimson skinned woman with golden eyes and black hair. The length of her hair varies, and so does what's between her legs based on who she's matched with. Usually she's decently toned despite what some images may show her as. Altered appearance can be attributed to her very minor shapeshifting capabilities.

Her powers and abilities consist of: Pyromancy, Minor teleportation, Knowledge of reality bending magicks, Minor Transformation (Body alteration only), Demon's blood (SImply because she's a demon she has all the typical demonic enhancements like strength), Extreme Adaptability (This means if she sees any physical attack or move she can probably recreate it on her own.) And a small array of equipment she has on her person which doesn't quite count as abilities.

Personality: Friendly and easy to talk to, slightly aloof, but generally confident. The right person can turn her into a bashful mess. (The one with pink hair. Starts with G)

Lineage: Devil/Angel mix. Demon mother of mixed oni and succubus blood. Father a seraph. Both are deceased.

Likes: The color pink. Games, sex, fishing, staying home, keeping her home safe. Marshmallows.

Dislikes: Evil and evil traits like liars and cheats and villains, people who overstep her boundaries, bugs, overconfident and arrogant people.

Rules and Notes: I don't really know how much I'm actually gonna rp here. I kinda wanted a place to dump edits and photos. I reserve the right to remove whoever for whatever I deem necessary I'm sorry. Please don't take it personally if I don't talk to you or delete you.

Rule1: You add me its appreciated that you introduce yourself. I of course will do the same. Please.

Rule2: Be respectful, I shouldn't have to explain what that means. Start of cool and we stay cool, easy.

Rule3: Not big on instant sexual approaches especially if I already don't much care for what you might have to offer. It's easier on both of us if we discuss first and get better acquainted before I -possibly- let you touch my tits.

Rule4: I can be selective, PLEASE don't take it personally. It's totally me and my preferences.

Rule5: Bump me if I'm taking too long to reply. Life butts in all the time so I may not even show up for a long long time.

Rule6: Please have some detail if we actually write together. I don't care for one liners and prefer paragraphs with detail. Describe stuff! Even a few sentences are acceptable if they paint a good picture on the point you want to focus on. And also as long as it's about a paragraph, it's fine. You don't need to match my response length so if I send you like 3 paragraphs don't feel like you also have to write 3 paragraphs. It's ok! Sometimes there's just not 3 paragraphs of stuff to write about.

Hope we can get along folks.


Motivation..crumbling.. y_y

changed a profile picture