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Current Status: open for casual/short rps but unreliable.


Full Name: Lunik Haruma.

Alias/Code Name: .

Nickname(s): Lulu, Nik.

Birthplace: Earth.

Date Of Birth: October 31st.

True Age: 300 years.

Race: Devil/Wolf Hybrid (Hellhound).

Occupation: Mercenary/Prison Guard/Assassin.

Likes: .

Dislikes: .

Personality: Lunik is friendly and willing to make new friends but she also can rip your face off.


Sex: Female.

Age: Stopped aging at 23.

Height: 5'5 / 165.1 cm.

Weight: 120 lbs / 54.4kg.

Body Type: Slightly curvey with some muscle.

Bust Size: DD.

Skin Tone: Darker tan.

Eye Color: White with black sclera.

Hair Color: Red fading to slightly darker red.

Hair Length: Medium/Long.

Tattoos/Scars: Four dots under each eye.

Piercings: Left nostril.

Notable Features: Wolf ears and a wolf tail that has two devil tails intertwined.


Lunik was the first born to her parents and her childhood was as normal as it could get, both her parents were supportive and gave her everything and anything should could want.. She grew up to be loving and kind and followed much after her father, she was after all a daddy’s girl. Like Lucius, Lunik inherited much of his wolf traits, she even could transform into a large deep red wolf with piercing white eyes. At the age of 27, Lunik was forced to take upon her mother’s immortality. Why? It was because she was their first born and precious to her mother. But because of that, Lunik grew to have a slight resentment to her mother.


Immortality: Lunik, like her mother, is immortal. However this immortality comes as long as the Tree of Life in her mother’s realm still stands. If the tree should every fall, Lunik will become mortal.

Heightened Senses: Because of Lunik’s more predator background, her senses are much better than a mere mortals, especially her sense of smell .

Wolf Form: Lunik has the ability to transform into a large 10 foot wolf at will. Within this form, she is much stronger and her senses are even more heightened.



"ook'em in the dooker"


I am fucking furious. Like, I don't appreciate being blamed for something I didn't do. Like wtf.

Current Mood:



"I hear voices in my head, They counsel me, They understand, They talk to me"


Moss grow over us! 💖💖💖💖

Yep. I'm quitting. I can't do this anymore

Having a bad day. Might go cry in the corner.

Update: I did cry.