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Out of pure curiosity. Should a person be forthcoming with their gender/sex if they are role-playing a character that is not the same gender/sex? (I.e. Men playing as females/futa, women playing as men)

Comments (12)
    • Wait until they learn I'm not short in real life either. Or a fox. The horror.

      • 😆 2
      • I made a post about this earlier on my own profile actually (albeit locked to just friends) and my take boils down to this: The whole premise of roleplay as a concept is embodying a character that doesn't necessarily align with who YOU are. I'm very open on my profile about being trans, but this is more to ward off people who are Weird About That from adding me than in the interest of transparency- Because whatever my gender is, it's really irrelevant to what we're writing.

        If someone's the type of person that thinks only women can or should write women (vice versa with men), I think this speaks more to the kind of writer they are (and potentially their shortcomings as one).

        • 💓 1
        • I don't think anyone has to come out irl on whenever gender they are in an rp. I know of some people who do it willing that they aren't the gender they rp as and it was never an issue with me.

          I'm non-binary irl but biologically female and usually rp as females and rarely ever as a male.

          • I vote indifferent. Personally, I do not think it matters. But also the way I see it. Up to the user themselves if they want to disclose that info. In some ways reminds me a bit of a friend, from years ago. She never did NSFW-type Rps, because she was always worried over age, And felt as if it was over-stepping boundaries to try and ask about real age. So she simply stuck to strictly SFW stuff.

            • See, though, but age is totally different. Because writing NSFW content with a minor is, depending on where you live, An Actual Crime.

            • The only thing I care about is if whomst I'm writing with is an adult.

              Outside of that the person on the other ends gender or sex does not matter to me.

              Part of writing for me is discovering more about myself. I'll leave it at that.

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