The Boy Next Door

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You add you start

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Conversation or messenger, I don't really care. But will say I'll remember to reply to messenger RP's easier.

Don't control my character.

Other guys...I'm not gonna add you. So just don't request me.

I'm more than ok with adding futanari characters....but you're not putting it inside me.


Name: Naoki

Age: 7-13

Height: 4'8"

Weight: 85 pounds

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Naoki can be anything! He could be your brother, son, cousin, neighbor, classmate, friend, friend's brother, anything! I am leaving him as open ended as I possibly can! The only thing is that he will be like most boys his age. He likes video games, some sports, he's a little nerdy but not overly so. He knows a little more about sex than he should, and is willing to take on either sub or dom roles.

Alright friends....I just started into a new job full bore today (AKA I'm out of classroom training and into On the Job Training). This job is extremely physically demanding. So my replies may only come every few days or so, or on the weekends. I will do my absolute best to get to everyone as often as I possibly can. But please do be patient with me. Day one on this job and EVERYTHING hurts...I appreciate everyone's patience.

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Ok friends. I gotta run and go meet my new Nephew. Sister-in-law gave birth today so I'm gonna go meet the new addition to the family.

I think I'm gonna have to go through and prune my friend list and messages box. Got people here who have never once replied to me, and others who haven't replied back in months.

Been looking into tryout out some AI generation since it's hard to find already made stufff for my, and other, characters that are what I want. Does anyone have any suggestions on which ones to try? Preferably ones that don't have a subscription fee as money is tight enough on me.

Sorry to everyone for the delays. I will get to all RP replies this weekend. Discussions will get more attention right now as they take up a lot less of what little free time I have right now.

Just as a heads up...if you don't like my starter or the way I replied to our can tell me and I'll redo it. Just don't vanish on me because you didn't like something. If there is a problem tell me. I can't fix it if I don't know about it.

Off to bed with me.

Seriously.....if you simply just read someone's profile you'd know a lot about them and know if it's someone you'd be OK RPing with....blindly accepting every requests can lead to a lot of miscommunication.

FFXIV Raid night. Woo. Replies might be slow.

OK. So all of my greetings are out. Still owe two starters but those will come later today. Still waiting on a couple RPreples and a few discussion replies...til then I suppose I'll just sit here at work....bored...