Comments to A Devil Herself
    • "Black hair... Yellow eyes... Red skin... It's almost like staring into a mirror. I find myself experiencing that feeling a lot lately as there seems to be 'red devils' popping up all over the place. So then I must ask, what sets you apart from the rest?"

      • "Don't be mistaken.. I'm not a new face around these parts. I've been this devil for a very very long time."

      • "Buff.~"

        • Eep, mommy~

          • Is that a challenge? I think that's a challenge. That's definitely a challenge!

            • I'm throwin down the gauntlet~ Your move <3

              • 🍆 1
              • Well old friend, looks like we are pulling an all nighter!

                • 💦 1
              • "If looks could kill... truly, I am glad we are on the same side", hthe young man said with a chuckle. Due to his cold tone, it was never clear if he was serious or not whenever he spoke

                • "I suppose that, given my profession, I may very well end up withness to it", he mused with a chuckle

                  • “Oh, you will.” She replied somewhat sternly. Her eyes stayed away from him, perhaps to avoid staring those daggers into him.

                    • 1
                    • "Such omnious promises", he mused with his usual monotone, although his fingers were twitching revealed he was far more nervous than he'd admit to even himself

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