Bansheea Krunex

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Basic Data

Name: Bansheea Krunex

Nickname:Ban-chan, Little Green Honey Badger, Green Gremlin, Little Mean Green

Title: Platinum Overlord, Forsaken Overlord, and Devil Bunny, The monster with many forms

Age: 50,000,000

Birthday: March, 19, 1993

Zodiac: Pisces

Species: Monster hybrid

Occupation: Overlord of netherworld Nexus, and CEO of monster corp.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.

Physical Data

Hair Color: Black, and lime green highlight from below

Eyes: lime green (Iris/pupil), and black (Sclera)

Skin: Pale Height: 3’8 ft (Mecha-Madness Form), 8’5 ft (Daemon Asura form),

Body Type: Varies

Horn: Black, tip of her horns lime green

Tail: Black, but the tip of her tail lime green

Clothing: Black, and lime green,

Metal armor: Black, lime green, and platinum

Love Life

Orientation: None

Status: Single

Significant Other: Veena

Children: Clara, Lily, Isabella

Whelp that was short lived..

FINALLY HOME! But sadly, my freakin job burn me out... So I have little to no energy.

Just two more hours to go... God, I'm tired... Burned out...

I gotta endure 6 more hour of work... x.x

Bruuuuh I just wanna go hoooooome!!!

Going to be busy at work for 5 days. So don't expect to hear much out of me.

changed a profile picture


Double shift... I'm going to broken after today. X.x

Also if anyone got a good suggestion for elden ring build please tell me. I will love to give it a try.

I'm off to work now. Sorry, things been rough for me in rl and financial wise. X.x

1. Claims to not be great with discussion. Prefer to skip it.

2. I send them ic, something silly, and something to start things off easily.

I got ghosted for a few days then blocked after that. :/

Seriously, I can never understand RPers nowadays. There is a lot of lack of communication. A Lot of favoritism. Like how the hell can someone know what you’re interested in, what would be a good RP that is fun to you or acceptable when you don’t bother to freakin discuss it and stuff. I ain’t a mind reader, or magician. =__=”

I basically just follow what is on the person’s profile in hopes that it works.  This is just honestly pathetic.=3=”

Sorry for the complaint but this just grinds my gear and frustrates me at times.