Yami Kuzunoha

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Once upon a time, Yami wished to become a Hero, believing the world is harsh and cruel and that only the valiant ones could change its cynical outlooks. Despite being a self-serving ******in, he swore off killing and tried to see the best in people, at times his holier than thou attitude craving for fame (as well a deep seated desire to be loved) getting the best of him. A will almost unbreakable, nothing the world threw at him deterred him... that was, until a friend of his died in the name of his dream. While successfully reviving him, that was too much for Ankoku and decided to stop pursuing his dream.

As a Devil Summoner, Yami allowed his more cynical and pessimistic attitude to take over, turning him into a more down-to-business, pragmatic (but not amoral) man who gave his all for work. He keeps around them a professional, sophisticated tone to distance himself from others, although he always keeps an eye on his loved ones. He is deeply careful and paranoid about any potential bad outcome, and is not below acting outside of his superiors' rule if he believes he can help more, due to his outsider point of view compared to the rest of the more morally strict super nationalistic members.

He has long since resigned himself as a bad luck magnet, thus keeps himself prepared for worst case scenarios, at most drawing at times a long annoyed sigh when exasperated. He has overall stopped caring too much in such regards... or so he would declare. A part of him still heavily respects heroes, although he now holds them all to a more critical eye, and while relentless, he encourages others to seek to follow such a dream, although worried of their potential suffering. By his own words, Yami has stopped dreaming, but still holds hope. He is noticeably annoyed when people compare him to heroes though: they had a chance back then, they won't get another.

changed a profile cover
changed a profile picture

Something legit baffling: why do we not see Kartika knives as often as weapons? They have a badass design

NAME - Gregor Allan Montmorency Philippe Pluckett 

TITLES -  ‘The Lost Lost of Dunsany’ (ダンセイニの失領主, Danseini no Shitsu Ryoushu)  ‘Apathy’ (アパシー、 Apashi or 無関心、 Mukashin)

AFFILIATION - ‘The Seven Deadly Sin of Modern Times’.

Current Accusation against Gregor Pluckett

1) Has heavily funded the Cult of Gaea

2) Stole the Book that is the Scheme of Things from the Outer Rim of the Worlds

3) Great calamities and Plagues happen in his passing, but there seems to be no confirmed correlation between the two

Warnings by the Kan’non Collective - 

Nothing known has left any lasting damage to Apathy. Is he Invincible? May it be pointless to fight him?

He may very well be, but invincibility leads to carelessness, and his summons are so poor they may be easily dispelled.  

Our concern is not however with Apathy, as much as what he causes around him? Why do people suffer around him? Something is wrong… be careful, There must be something behind Apathy’s presence…

Background by Amaros for a big cup and tea and Danish biscuits → [Besides being a descendant of an illegitimate child of the Baron of Dunsany, Edward J. M. D. Plunkett, during the Second Boer War, there isn’t much remarkable about Gregor. He lived in South Africa in a relatively well-standing family, unaware of his own heritage, nothing important happening to him, trying to write down dialogues he had in dreams with supernatural entities (unaware they were the real deal), at times prepping them with something to spice them up. Although he had a passion for writing like his ancestor, he lacked any shred of talent, his work being derivative and insipid, characterized by uneven pacing and terse characterization. It was probably the constant bashing of his works that eventually burnt out his passion for prose, but gave him another idea for fame: caustic criticism. From a modest platform on social media, he became relatively famous enough to join multiple sites, and, while some did point out he had nothing to offer but gratuitous insults and an excessively crass language, some even pointing out he didn't even seem to engage with the material he was criticizing, but he was famous, and willing to bash his haters as well as anyone offering him constructive criticism. 

He was but an arrogant diva, shunning anyone that didn’t benefit him, looking down on his fans, colleagues and haters alike, it was but a matter of time for him to get the wrong guy mad. At last, it happened when he decided to insult and cuss out Phantasos, the Roman god of shaping dreams, blaming his vague shapes for the poor reception of his writings at the time. The Dream god, annoyed, would comply and completely remove his capacity of dreaming. Slowly, Gregor would lose his drive to write anything, finally abandoning his career without fanfare or any explanation. 

In a few weeks, he was already forgotten by many… But not everyone. A message (while commonly agreed it is the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins of Modern Times, we do not know if it were an anonymous message or through one of his former sponsorships) would offer him a Devil Summoning Program to encourage him to partake in a mystical journey and get his revenge for Phantasos.

Indoctrinated in the way of the Strongest by the Gaeans, Gregor would leave for the Dreamlands to get his revenge. Detailed information on what he did is unknown, but was known to treat his demonic partner as mere tools, easy to discard them as soon as it benefited him, not caring how far he pushed his body in the name of power for his payback. His journey led him to the Outer Rim of the Worlds, where he met the Being that was no Beast or God, and his book that wrote everything that ever happened and would happen. Something snapped inside Gregor as he read. He stole the book, discarding his original program in the process,  and left. His fight with Phantasos was anti-climatic: he had grown too powerful to be hurt, but while he could defeat the deity, he had lost all desire to kill him.

He had returned a shell of himself, with more curses and shadows that followed him, shapeless beings he kept trying to describe but failed due to his poor skills, and his poor observation turned anything into monstrous shades and blights. Brought to the leader of the Seven Deadly Sins, he would join them as Apathy, with one desire on how to reshape the world: make everyone join him in the feeling he had when reading the book.




What an unusual pleasant coziness. Bai Suzhen was really enjoying the warmth of this day, yet she had to struggle against her instinct to slumber down the leather seats and fall asleep: it went against her new duty as the Midnight Bus’ medic staff. 

And she was needed more than ever: her summoner, the conductor Yami Kuzunoha the Eleventh. Deep breath… dry skin, a dazed look… her master seemed to be suffering a light heat stroke. Not that he was trying to show the fatigue, but it was very telling he wasn’t wearing his dragon scale cape for once. 

Even further, while pretending that everything was fine, he couldn't help but notice how his summons were behaving weirdly

“... is there something wrong, Yeobul?”, he asked his firefox familiar that was rubbing herself everywhere on the bus

“난 괜찮아. 하지만...더워요…[I'm okay. But... it's hot...]”, the fiery spirit remarked while rubbing her head against his calf. The fact a fireball was claiming to be hot made the situation more baffling, the air feeling sultrier and sultrier.

“你真的是火做的 [You are literally made of fire]”, Bai Suzhen remarked bluntly, handing her summoner a napkin, earning herself a thank you from him.

“And she is a ghost as well…”, the summoner remarked while opening a hidden minifridge under his driver’s seat. 

It wasn't just them: every other passenger, shade and spirit looked noticeably unresting. There was something tampering with the atmosphere. 

“ 그게 뭐라고 생각하세요, 박사님? [What do you think, doc?]”, the ghost blurted out expressionlessly.

Bai thought about it, coiling around herself before resting over her master’s shoulder. She too felt hot, but not as distressed as the others, if anything the others looked different answering her: “我對你的診斷,狐火……是興奮 [My diagnosis for you, Firefox… is excitement]”

The lesser fox spirit could only mutter a brief hum, as if considering if such could be ever true… she couldn't think of another explanation for her rubbing herself against her Summoner's shoe. 

“Must be the hot wind in this zone, it is almost like a monsoon…”, said Summoner remarked, Bai Suzhen was still checking on him, but her eyes lingered on the dense scorching winds outside, reminding her of a desert only… was that a feather carried by the currents? Peculiar and worth remembering: owls weren’t usually around with this weather.

“Whatever it is, we better leave out of this area”, he said “I am rushing out my clientele to get off”

“明智的決定。 之後,我建議您休息一下:這種熱量正在對您造成影響。[A wise decision. Afterwards, I suggest you take a break: the heat is taking its toll on you.]”, the white snake said… what was this chill down her back, contradicting the opposite heat everyone had been feeling?  

She couldn’t fool herself… a strong presence had come inside the bus and it was too fast for her to pinpoint. Unfortunately, it turned out that the rumors of the Conductor being unable to sense spiritual energy, despite being such a basic skill of Devil Summoning, were true. 

Long sensuous fingers brushed the summoner’s face, at a speed beyond Bai Suzhen's reaction, making him bolt around to face whoever touched him. 

Those digits belonged to a shadow far greater than most of the conductor’s average clientele, around fifteen feet tall. It did not surprise the white snake when the first thing that took form were owl feathers belonging to four immense wings, two belonging to the head, and other two attached at the height of full sensuous hips, all draped over the figure like a cape, as well as the only thing covering its body

Hello”, the shadow spoke with a soft feminine voice. Despite the wings, she seemed not to need them to float in mid air, every second showing more of her appearance: a copper skinned gorgeous beauty, irises completely white, and her reddish mane akin to a fiery night sky woven on top of her head.

Stunning features shaped up in a tender languid smile, every movement of hers, despite her innocent behavior, exuding sensuality, her spine moving not unlike the black and golden colored serpent wrapped around her thin waist and her impossibly full child bearing hourglass figure, the head dangling silently over her shoulder, its blind white eyes gazing into nothing.

 “This is the Midnight bus 375, isn’t it? I have been told by one of my daughters this service is impeccable. May I take a ride?”, she asked with a seemingly innocent tone. Why was Bai’s master so nervous? She had noticed beads of sweat shaping upon his forehead, but…  

A quick poke of her tail to his face so he could answer

“My apologies, ma’am, but you abide, no matter your provenience, rank and heritage, by the rules of this bus: ticket, or I am forced to ask you to get out”, he remarked coldly, gathering her bearings.

The shapely demoness opened her mouth in surprise, covering it with one hand that somehow exuded delicateness and femininity despite its resemblance to a bird’s burnt talons. 

"Oh~", she uttered before slowly leaning in, her bottom wiggling as she did so, her expression becoming a heart melting pout.

Every single movement she made, a warm breeze  seemed to flow all over the bus.

“Not even for me? You can’t make an exception for poor ol’ Lilitu of the Night clan?”, she asked in a submissive tone, juxtaposed by the shock of hearing out the name of the demoness.


Sumerian storm spirit.

Primeval woman, and original wife of Adam in the Garden of Eden, fallen into depravity and demonization in many Hebrew titles.

Moon spirit and mother goddess worshiped in modern witchcraft, even the renowned esoteric scholar Aleister Crowley had written books about her.

Consort to many among the vilest and most debauched Demon Lords, up to his Excellency.

THAT Lilitu was standing before the summoner cutely asking for him to close an eye before letting out a deep sultry chuckle “You must be a dear boy to your superiors… thankfully, I have the ticket right …

Her wings tightened around her bosom, making the upper side jut out and the ticket popped out of her makeshift cleavage

...Here~”, she giggled while gently holding it between her talons and waving the ticket before Yami’s face. Eyes narrowed, the summoner scanned it: it was legitimate. Some saliva was swallowed

“What about your familiar? ”, he questioned her, making her head tilt in surprise, making him clarify “It needs a ticket as well”

Feeling called in, the monster with scales embroidered with gold and jewelry rose in a suggestive way to meet its interlocutor with its blind stare. Bai Suzhuen could almost feel like he seemed to either recognize the monster or find it somehow familiar, while the Demon Lord’s milk white eyes sparkled with amusement 

Don’t worry about Tannin’Iver: it is an extension of my identity. A ticket for me covers hers

As if to prove the serpent’s innocence, Lilitu would rub her face and her body against Tanin’Iver, the creature changing size from the size of a python to something far bigger to let her master rest on top of its body. To change size in the blink of an eye was awfully common when dealing with demons.

“Please, take a seat”, he ordered the demon lord, making her make a courtesy that made her curves bounce.

“...Thanks dear~”, she complimented him. As soon as she set foot on the bus multiple spirits were gathering around her, most making way as soon as she stepped on, but quite a few lecherously clinging to her leg, making her coo in amusement at the Azuka-Hakai and the Lahke latching on it.

“Ladies, gentlemen, don’t harass the Demon Lord… remember, this bus is a safe zone, and I am not against kicking out any initiator of violence”, Ankoku remarked  as he pushed away a Joguromo lecherously licking her lips, while Lilitu only smiled 

No no please, let them c o m e. And lose themselves…”, she remarked, making a gesture of opening her arms and her wings as if she were initiating a hug. 

“掌握。風 ….[Master. The Winds …]”, the snake Yaoguai finally remarked as she looked at the demon Lord “她是灼熱風暴的源頭。[She is the source of the storm]”

And to prove her right, the spirits latched on her, ecstatic, were so elated and excited they seemed to let out steam, eventually being released and dragged around by scorching winds. Unnervingly, they seemed in such a blissful state they weren’t hurt. 

“Of course…”, he muttered to himself “The Circle of Lust features souls buffeted in a swirling wind and Lilitu was portrayed as a Storm Demon in sumerian mythology….”

His eyes locked onto the Demon Lord as she gracefully posed and lunged down both seats, sensually posing just behind the bus driver while her serpent familiar would be her guard and cushion

I don’t like hurting people interested in me, and I will stop Tennin'Iver from hurting them and follow your rules…but what they are going to do with their life…” , she declared while admiring the swirling storm of her suitors above her “That is their choice” 

“... Hot…” a whisper escaped from the summoner, but was he talking about the temperature or…? Bai Suzhen instinctively went to check on her master’s poked cheek, noticing some light burning marks. Yami looked back at her and nodded at the Yaoguai. 

“... Warn all the other summons to be on the alert. Procedure Goetia: Demon Lord on the bus” 

From the way he spoke, the snake could deduce it wasn’t the first time it happened, yet it was still a severe situation.

She was concerned in leaving her master alone with that sinful creature, but decided to comply with his order. With a jump, she had hopped in a secret compartment of the Bus that only the Conductor's summons could access, yet, no matter how far the White Snake moved, she couldn't help but feel the Demon Lord's seductive gaze upon her…

Be strong, Master… I have someone in my heart to protect me, what about you? 

 As expected, most of the other Familiars were playing cards, but her words Drew attention

"Procedure Goetia: Demon Lord Lilitu" 

The self proclaimed leader, Spring Heeled Jack, seemed enthused by the news. 

"'Blimey, right, Demon Lord Lilitu, for real, isit? This is gonna be funnier than wen the bleedin' Kalfu came ter ask us boss for them 'ellhounds. I better cop me knife, right, I am showin' Jack the Ripper 'ow ter shank broads 'ere" 

Such mirth seemed missing among the others, the first speaking being the Demon from the Tower of Babel, Pruflas 

"לילית? אני זוכר כשהיא הייתה שד סערה פחות ששירת תחת פוזו... למה שהיא בכלל תרצה להיות כאן? [Lilitu? I remember when she was a lesser storm demon serving under Pazuzu… Why would she even want to be here?]" 

"Lemme guess. She'll make us all a nice cup a' tea... Sumfink sumfink conquerin' the chuffin' world, 'ave the Bus, kill us... Wotever! Right! This crazy ole bird is gonna regret messin' in me turf", he remarked… but from the Shadows one of the most enigmatic summons of the young Kuzunoha emerged, the Alp, in her grotesque glory of a decrepit pale humanoid bat, her pale eyes glowing as she warned everyone. 

"Sei nicht leichtsinnig, Spring Heeled Jack. Ich bin ein Künstler, der Albträume webt. Aber ich kann die Menschen nur dazu bringen, in Angst vor meiner Schöpfung zu leben. Lady Lilitu ist die Beste in unserem Clan, weil sie die Menschen dazu bringt, ihre dunkelsten Träume willkommen zu heißen. [Don't be reckless, Spring Heeled Jack. I am an artist weaving nightmares. But I can only make people live in fear of my creation. Lady Lilitu is the best in our clan because she makes people welcome their darkest dreams]", the Alp spoke in reverence and worry

"那你覺得她為什麼會在這裡? [Why do you think she is here, then?]", Bai asked, causing the Batlike creature to shrug

"Lilitu ist launisch, wie ein Traum.[Lilitu is fickle, like a dream]", she remarked "Ihre Pläne werden vor Ort ausgearbeitet. Wenn sie unseren Beschwörer angreift, dann deshalb, weil sie plötzlich Lust dazu hat [Her plans are made up on the spot. If she attacks our Summoner, it's because she suddenly feels like it]”

“Awright, so we need some bloke brave enough ter face that biblical broad right on, i'n it? Who is gonna go, isit? I'm bloody well willin' ter cop me knife at 'er throat”, Jack said, ready to go, only to have a risen claw stop him

“Πάω! [I go]”, Karkinos declared “Τζακ, είσαι ο εφεδρικός οδηγός, ο Μπάι μπορεί να μας φτιάξει, ο Άλπ ξέρει καλύτερα τη Λιλίτου... κι εγώ είμαι ο κάβουρας που πεθαίνει πάντα. Στείλε με λοιπόν [Jack, you're the backup driver, Bai can fix us, Alp knows Lilitu best... and I'm the crab that always dies. So send me]”

Alp, Jack and Yeobul looked at each other and before he could finish, Karkinos was dropped just in front of the relaxing demoness’ seat..Bai could see everything through the upwards grates, looking concerned at the spectacle, especially at Karkinos’ usual grumpiness”

“.... Ρε! ΠΡΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΑ με έστειλαν από τη Λιλίτου…[Hey! They REALLY sent me to Lilitu..]”

Tanin’Iver’s head rose with a slow threatening guttural growl, only for the Demon Lord foot to brush it on a spot behind its frills.

Oh my. Karkinos, aren’t you?”, the demoness replied, slowly sitting up as she offered him a seat

“Α, όχι, ευχαριστώ, κυρία. Εργάζομαι εδώ.[Oh, no, thank you, ma'am. I work here]”, The crab waved at her “Απλά ήθελα να μάθω αν θέλετε ένα ποτό [I just wanted to know if you wanted a drink]”

The Succubus’ eyebrows wiggled, seeming about to reply something as she shrugged.

“Eine zu offensichtliche Doppeldeutigkeit. [Too obvious a double entendre]”, Alp remarked

Ah, right now I am thirsty for knowledge… I do not meet every day a hero like you, after all

The crab’s eyes began looking around confused, making the demoness giggle as she nodded, picking him up and beginning to absentmindedly caress him: “Yes, dear, I am talking about you. Look at it this way. You were a being sacred to the Queen of Gods herself who was given a noble task: take down an impossibly powerful being

“Ηρακλής? [Heracles]”

That one. You went, you fought him with all of your strength and bravery. And for that, you got rewarded with a constellation. Just like Perseus, Orion, Asklepios and Bellerophon. Heroes aren’t characterized by strength alone. Their very etymology, ‘Iroas’ means ‘valiant one’, ‘protector’, ‘brave one’. Face it, you are one: I applaud you

Not only did she start to clap, but even Tanin’Iver  moved its coils together to imitate his master. Even though human’s expression cannot fit a crab, he was starting to fidget awkwardly, twiddling its claws together

“Ωραία ευχαριστώ. Δεν το έχω δει ποτέ με αυτόν τον τρόπο.. Αλλά με στρίμωξε σαν ζωύφιο! [Well, thanks, but he crushed me like a bug]”, Karkinos remarked, its voice trembling nervously, which made her expression.

Well, this is part of the tragedy, dear, many heroes end up falling at the end in battle, even Achilles and your very killer shared this fate. I understand though, this may not make you feel better”, she said, the mythological being nodding as much as it could, allowing the succubus to rub a finger on its underside “You wish for a gentle but firm touch, you wished for a true blessing from Hera…

Shall I bless you in her stead?

Karkinos nodded, holding her wrist as kindly as he could with his claws

“Σε παρακαλώ κάντο. (Please, do it)”

The mythological animal was picked up with its free hand, flipped outside down

I did wonder if you were a male or female crab. Not that I mind, but I can’t help it, I am curious about who I was going to bless…

“Σε παρακαλώ, Δέσποινα  Λιλίτου,, ευλόγησε με σαν το καβούρι που είμαι! (please, Mistress Lilitu, bless me like the crab I am!)”, he begged

... I will bless you… the same way Heracles did, with my foot”, the succubus remarked, as she set him on its shell upside down, her talons tracing

“Είναι ωραίο να έχεις κάποιον σαν εσένα... να με ευλογεί... είπες σαν την Ήρα ή τον Ηρακλή [It's nice to have someone like you ... bless me ... did you say like Hera or Hercules?]”, Karkinos realized as he looked up. 

Bai wanted to save him, but he looked lost, unable to realize where he was or what was happening, unable to react when he locked eyes with the Demoness’ , her smile widening until every single muscle of her face tensed,  its features inhumanly sharp, down to barracuda-like teeth.

And due to his fixations with her smile, he didn’t see her foot come down at full speed against its more fragile abdomen...

The following impact shook the entire bus.

“... What happened?”, the conductor appeared all of sudden, sounding concerned,  his weapons already drawn. Lilitu casually was sitting down, one leg straddling the other as her serpent was popping out of her cleavage

Oooh, Yami, I was having a drink”, she said, opening her mouth, her familiar’s maws imitating her and pouring a thick orange liquid down her throat. Even Yamir’s summons could not mistake the ocean smell…

What’s the matter, Yami?”, she asked innocently, “Want some of my drink from Tanin’Iver… Od do you want me to feed you? I am quite expert when it comes to this: I mother over one hundred children per day

Her arms were crossed over chest, raising it as if to further make her prompt obvious, but the Summoner rose his head

“How did you get the drink, Demon Lord?”

Your summon Karkinos offered… what a cutie”, she said before adding “I really wanted to spoil him … How can I refuse his requests?

A soft giggle followed. The young man heavily sighed, as he suddenly uttered: “You remind me of Irrising so much..”

... Irrising? Who is Irrising? Someone from your past?”, she asked, making the summoner recoil

“... 我從來沒有見過我們的召喚師跟別人談論過他自己的過去…[I've never seen our summoner talk to anyone about his past…]”, Bai remarked, making every hidden familiar nod in confusion and surprise. Thankfully, the Kuzunoha knew what was happening, placing his Kartika close to his head

“.... I must give it to you, Mistress Lilitu, your aura  is more sensuous than Aphrodite…”

You mean Astaroth. Aaah, that foul bastard,... But I know, I am sorry, I do not mean to”, she said speaking regretfully “It’s the Almighty that made me the perfect partner of Adam, and everyone else that comes after him….

Her wings fluttered, moving around the summoner, as if to pull him even closer… he ducked at the last minute, dismissing the Demon Lord with a hand gesture and a remark

“I have read the Alphabet of Ben Sirah, I do not need you to tell me your backstory”

I am glad to deal with such an educated and cultured Summoner”, the Demon Lord said “I like men with experience and who know how to use their tools… like this bus

Yami was moving as far as possible, yet he still felt her voice echoing still behind him. 

Yes, it  is a hull of metal with synthetic seats,  fueled with spiritual energy while regulated by computers… but your mind is the catalyst of everything

No… in front of him.

... It’s pretty much your domain that you control it with your mind…

No, at  each side, blowing his ears.

... so its position, length, speed…. You are in charge of everything…

He heard her everywhere.

...As long as nothing gets in your mind, right?

And so did his familiars, feeling the need to turn around. Their secret compartment had now a copy of Lilith’s white eyes gazing at them… a very big eye. The Alp and Jack immediately shrouded them in darkness… but now giant copies of her clawed hand were showing up. The familiars had to dodge.

A deep breath from the summoner…. Lilitu’s features disappeared, but her feathers were moved by warm sultry winds.

I hope you will send me to my rightful place, Yami, I do not want to remain here forever”, she remarked teasingly


“葛葉先生夜魔莉莉圖正在和你的一位客戶相處。[Mister Kuzunoha, Night Lilitu is misbehaving with one of our customers]”, Bai Suhzen warned her summoner. He quickly rushed and called out

“Lilitu!”, the yelp made the demon Lord pull away from her partner, a multi colored hair youth, akin to the crown of the sun

Yami! I swear, it’s not my fault, Cuh Chulain just came over and… one thing led to the other”, she declared in a yelp, covering herself up with her wings while cutely waving at the Irish Hero.

“Aw, cum on, Lilitu, at laest admit yer 'ad craic wi' de 'oun'“, the fiery redhead said, making the succubus’ wings flutter

“I didn’t say I didn’t, Setanta

Before they could tease each other,  Yami literally placed himself between the two, pointing at the folk Hero to leave and take his seat, his eyes narrowed 

“Why am I not surprised you are the one to help her cause trouble, Setanta?”, Yami remarked to the folk hero, who just playfully chuckled in retort

“You nu, kuzunoha, yer really nade ter enjoy life mhre, hr dees wends 'ill make yer explode”

He earnt a snarl from the Summoner in response, but the snake coiled around the Kuzunoha remarked at him in concern: “庫丘林說得有道理。 莉莉圖的風越來越大了,你被燙傷了。[Cú Chulainn has a point. Lilitu's winds have been getting stronger, you are scalding]”

The summoner regretfully nodded; the air felt so thick that he couldn’t swing his kartika knife without crimson mana straining the blade with Lilitu’s spiritual power … such an intoxicating smell too….exotic, wild, ancestral…

Another tap of his knife’s Vajira onto his forehead.  He had to exorcise the Demon Lord’s essence from his body regularly.to make sure not to be enthralled, something his familiars were quite aware. Bai Suzhen leaned in his ear

“阿爾普躲在地板下的陰影裡。 但我們仍在為大多數客戶提供服務。 然而,她的龍類使魔可以追踪我們……[Alp hid in the shadows under the floorboards. But we are still serving most of our customers. However, her draconic familiars can track us down...]”

Ankoku nodded although weird, if her voice was  on the left, why was he feeling her forked tongue tickle his ear…. Unless…

He immediately swung his knife, without looking, Tanin’Iver immediately dodging the slash

"Please be kind: Tanin'iver is an aspect of me in this form, we share the same sensations", the Demon Lord explained adorably gigging as she petted her familiar under his chin

Remember to send someone to clean up. Setanta is a sly dog, he leaves a mess”, she teased before looking at him. “But I doubt I will see him again. He is a hero, you know? As soon as he descends from that bus… he will disappear, off to know what journey, maybe his final one

Having no sympathy for Lilitu, Ankoku walked away back to his driver’s seat, but the succubus was already there, her arms lazily resting over its headrest

But Cu Chulainn belongs to the realm of demigods, Ashuras and other legends, where everything is grand and epic. You, Summoner…. Are different. You are the in-between key between my realm, Hell, made of perdition and suffering, and the one of humans, normal stragglers from everyday. You hold the answers to what I seek

He didn’t reply to her sensuous and curious voice, but he did raise a brow. What kind of questions did she wonder? 

... why are things… the way they are?

Bai Suhzen figured out the wording was intentionally made to confuse people, Yami had to ask her what she meant. 


I was the first woman, born from mud and dust, but I have long since forgotten the sensation of that old life, especially because mankind evolved too much especially after the spineless one… I mean, Eve, took my place. After that, I became a storm demon under Pazuzu by the name Kisikillillake. My greatest achievement was to hide in the trunk of Ishtar’s favorite tree”, she said thinking nostalgically, slowly taking a deep sigh

And yet, I persevere. From satirical texts and small myths, I became the archetypical demoness of seduction and vampirism, mentioned in multiple apocryphal texts, downright worshiped by many cults as the Dark Divine Mother, even though they know I am the mother hen that kicks her chicks off her nest to make them learn to fly

Energies flowed in her hand, until it seemed she had crafted a galaxy in her hand, her finger teasingly prodding the black hole at the center.

With lust being entrenched in the primary instinct of species to propagate, I have all of creation at my fingertips…. And I am STILL the bad guy…

“You are the bad guy  because you force yourself on men, spread sickness, and eat the bones of children”

The demoness looked shocked as the summoner accused her of such, backing away.

How could you? First, it’s not my fault if those teases don’t push me off. Second, I do NOT eat children…. That’s Tanin'iver because he enjoys the taste, but I never laid hands on them”, she said, looking at her Serpent licking its lips “... But that wasn’t my question. What I wanted to ask you is… why do humans want to make their enemies so great and powerful?

Her talons began brushing onto his cheek,Yami pulling away as soon as he felt her scorching heat 

Is it so you can feel better about your weakness when you fail? Or to blame your faults on someone you can't beat? Or is it that you just need to feel good by believing your actions hold meaning?

He had no time to give her an answer as columns of lightning came down crashing, only his driving skills saving the bus

"...that wasn't me~", Lilitu remarked, noticing the Summoner's familiars glaring at her. While Yami would have joined the accusations, he had noticed a faint shadow in the cloud sky 

"Jack, cover for me", he ordered the imp that immediately manifested at his side "Bai, you are with me, Lilitu… back to your seat" 

He had, of course, both his shapeshifting Slavic Spirit, the Domovoy, as well as Alp to look after the demoness. 

Rushing outside, amidst the storm, a monstrous demonic figure stood, a leonin/simian head surrounded by four mighty wings, his voice booming akin to Thunder. 


Bai Suzhen drew a sigh of relief at seeing someone had matching goals, yet she couldn’t help but notice how many broken corpses of Kamaitachi were hung on the Demon Lord’s body. 

“Lord Pazuzu, I…”

Foul winds erupted from the flapping of the Storm Demon's wings, seeking to wipe the Summoner and his familiar away


Did he… did he just claim the entirety of Japan?

“Your declaration is rejected, for this land belongs to the benevolent Amaterasu from Takamagahara. People ill needs a savior like you”, Yami spoke back 


Before the Demon King could conclude, a loud BLAM from the Summoner’s pistol  was what preceded a bullet, freezing part of his shoulder. Yami’s Wechuge emerged, allowing his master to stand on top of his back. 


Dissipating in the clouds, he manifested out of the dark sky two colossal hands and a monstrous white face, roaring in rage.  The summoner really didn’t want to waste time, especially with a far worse Demon Lord on the bus than Pazuzu, yet his lack of sensing skills made it impossible for him to identify Pazuzu’s spiritual core and exorcize him.

From the storm a pale leonine face emerged, its roar causing lightning to bolt down against the trio. Wechuge took a swift dodge as the Summoner issued commands

“Suzhen, Pazuzu is known to deliver plagues, I want to make sure to constantly heal me. Wechuge, hold steady, dodge as little as possible and hunt for his scent, keep your magic, I will end him myself. Our goal is for now to let him focus on us so the Bus can cross this storm safely, but we need to pinpoint him”

“hIs sMelL, fOuLeR tHaN mInE, sPrEaD tOO wIde… anD i aM a cOrpSE”, the undead winged monstrosity claimed.as it sped against the gloomy deluging clouds clawed Giants hands out of nimbus matter, seeking to crush the summoner’s group. 

A swift barrel roll was the key to dodge this attack, the air becoming somehow dense and...

“... Toxic….”, Yami muttered, feeling Bai using her magic to make him recover from any potential malaise. Tears were streaming out of his cheeks, quickly he ducked away at a larger  blast of lightning


“paThEtIc fAlLeN gOd: hAtEd aND sCorNed iNtO a dEmoN”, Wechuge commented “hEr wOrShIP, bOtH dIvInE aND dEMoNic, SHE WILL CRUSH YOU LIKE A WORM. anD he wiLL cRuSh uS iF wE aRE nOT cAREful”

Yami was not in the mood of Wechuge’s pessimistic spiel: his cape began swelling up, the black flames leaking. Slowly, the cape turned into the shape of a dragon, its head covering Yami’s like a hood. 

“... He won’t”, was the Summoner’s matter-of-fact response, just a thundering roar was enough to disperse a pair of the hands. 

Pazuzu already seemed to panic visibly, columns of thunder erupting as he was trying to put a defense, giving a general idea of the core

“Jack”, Yami commanded “Take heed, Pazuzu’s is attacking blindly, be careful, dodge all blows while driving, I cannot predict his attacks.

“Don't cop yor 'ead in a 'ut, right, boss, i'n it? Lilitu is 'elpin' 'ere”

Bai didn’t seem convinced, but indeed, as her head turned she could see streams of hot air coming out of the bus that were wiping away the stormy clouds in front of it. Wechuge’s hitch was right: Pazuzu’s strength was nothing compared to the Demon Lord they were hosting

But something else was coming. 

“主人,躲開岩石。[Master, dodge the rock]”, 

What rock?, he thought instinctively ducking to the side and seeing a large stone tossed at full speed amidst the storm. Only one could be foolish enough to do something like this. 

Fucking Setanta, I get your hint… 

Wechuge was ordered to bolt in the direction of the projectile… and the group was just fast enough to see it bounce off something… The Draconic claws of the Horo of Black flames extended. The first grabbed Pazuzu’s scorpion tail, the second grabbed his second tail, a serpent head


Wrong command, Pazuzu, Yami’s following action was to violently spin Pazuzu by both tails fast enough that they were snapped off the main body. As the Storm demon roared in pain, the Horo of Black Flames’ draconic head breathed out matching black fire 

“DEVIL SUMMONER! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DEFY THE WILL OF A GOD?!”, The Storm Demon King said, seeking to push off the stream of black flames. The Summoner’s answer was to increase the attack pressure…. Pazuzu’s wings were breaking down, but burning marks were appearing on his opponent’s face


“Please, you cannot even beat me”, Yami curtly remarked. The Sumerian demon was completely enveloped by the flames, the exceeding heat blowing him apart, red myst and his head all that was left, as the shockwave of his death wiped away the storm.

It was over. Yami could dispel the Horo of Black flames, but the heat had clearly marked him…

And here goes another fallen god seeking to take over Japan… Arrogant scum, had he not been as dismissive of me and my superiors , our goals would have intersected.

 The young man held up his opponent’s remains, wondering what he could make some useful trinket out of them. Yes, Pazuzu was evil, but held peculiar anti demonic properties himself… maybe in due time.

“Setanta….”, Yami asked, making the young man “Is this going to be your stop?”

“Oooh, geez, summwanr, yer are failte fhr de supphrt. it wus naw big issue fhr me ter clod dat slengshot at Pazuzu's mince pie, it wus jist a two yards clod, oi got smaller birds at longer distances”; the younger folk hero mused while spinning his slingshot around. Before the Celt could brag further about how he could have easily handled Pazuzu, the Summoner cut him off

“What are you doing out here on the rooftop, Setanta?”

“Lilitu towl me ter 'elp, s'e really 'ates Pazuzu, yer nu.”

“... Unfortunately, given you did without my authorization, your ride on the bus ends here…. Setanta, enjoy Japan… and by the love of the Amatsukami, do not “

“Naw promises, Kuzuonha, scon are in me weck goeng ter try ter seduce 'er, but if s'e throws 'erself at me 'r if 'er owl lad tries ter stop me waaat ye loike?... scon are jist sayeng, unless yer want ter stop me”

With a frustrated sigh, Yami dismissed the demigod, who gladly jumped off the rooftop and faded away in the mist, seeking to slow down his heavy breathe and slowly rid himself of his burning marks on his face….

“聽說你可以發揮神龍公主的力量。 這是一項強大的技術,但你看起來很緊張。 你應該休息。[I heard that you can exert the power of an Eternal Dragon Princess. It's a powerful technique, but you look tense. You should rest.]”

“... I wish I could, Bai Suzhen”, he regretfully remarked. Right now, he had to return to the bus, there was a Succubus Queen he had  to check with, hoping she wasn’t doing anything wrong…

Why did she help me, her winds wiping the storms away….  Then sending Setanta…? 

Already the heat of the Horo of the Black Flames was unbearable for more than a few minutes, but Lilitu’s presence was making him feel like he was setting himself on fire

"Splendid, Yami, I love watching people fight for me", the Demon Lord said, sauntering closer to the Summoner 

"I told you to get back to your seat, Lilitu", Yami ordered, at which she responded by having her Serpent throw an unconscious Alp and Domovoy at his feet, both having bleeding bite marks on their neck.

"But I hate people trying to control me. Adam couldn't, the Almighty and his Angels couldn't, Gilgamesh couldn't… And even Pazuzu failed. You think you are more of a man than them?", she asked, her voice and body language dissonantly innocent . Yami narrowed his eyes, his blades drawn at her…  Lilitu cutely giggled at the threat, licking her blood stained lips. 

"Very well

Her four wings spread, revealing her full figure. With each flap, storms tore the Bus asunder, until it was nothing but metallic scrap floating upon fiery winds, the Succubus' arms open, as her sultry voice called out

"Come to me ~

That was it, he wanted to tear her to pieces. He could see it. One good stab at her heart and the Demon Lord would fall... All he had to do was to dodge Tanin'iver attack, then pressure her.

That sly woman, she kept skipping away, her chortles ringing painfully in his head. The heat was unbearable: even worse than the Horo of Black Flames, but he could handle it… he had to, least the bus would come apart at the seams

“召喚師! 減速....[Master, slow down]”, the white snake called him out, but he wasn’t listening at the moment. Lilitu’s voice, however...

What a neat tool”, she said, hopefully referring to the weapon “Curiosity titillates me enough to make me wonder how it would feel prodding my flesh, but you can’t catch me, right? Maybe you don’t wish hard enough for me …

“SHUT UP!”, he roared, he should have indeed been able to teleport close enough to land a blow on her in the bus, but with the way she had distorted his Domain, he had no idea

“召喚師,你在做什麼?[Master, what are you doing?]”, Bai Suzhen’s voice felt barely like a whisper. Not enough for Ankoku to finally jump and… at last, he had her. He could feel Lilitu’s throat against his hand

Now… squeeze

“What a grip!”

Was she truly surprised by his strength…. Or was she mocking him? Soon, Ankoku joined with both hands, seeking to tighten his grip and further strangle her

He could feel it, the flames of rage, her constant mockery, now he was taking back all of his frustration at her, choking the Demon Lord’s life out


She was placing her talons against his arms but she couldn’t pull him away. Was his observation overpowering her? Only a way to find out…

More pressure

“你的武器...[Your weapon….]”


… wait…. True…. If both of his hands were around her throat, where was his weapon? When did he drop it?

 It was so hot… he had barely noticed how he had dropped it. He was about to back away when suddenly  he noticed he couldn’t move. Her heat…. 

It was then he realized Lilitu hadn’t gripped him to yank him away… she was making sure he wouldn’t stop, her expression morphing into a demonic grin.

Now he was feeling the heat inside his own bones, his own breathe was steaming

“No, no, don’t you dare to pull away now. I love it, squeeze my throat harder, show me how much you humans hate Demon Lords. Be a big man and try to kill me, if you dare!!”, she commanded, the heat of her grip so powerful his sleeves showed burning signs and soot marks.

image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=2249&dpx=1&t=1719041827The surroundings around him shattered, he could feel Alp and Domovoy seeking to pull him away, Wechuge’s ice over his back in an attempt to cool him down, yet the frost evaporated the second it made contact on his skin. It was obvious now… everything he had seen since the moment he had returned to the bus was Lilitu’s illusion.

The Succubus queen seemed to have rooted herself on the bus, her head resting on Tainin’ Iver’s coils, while her ‘wings’ extremities having become tentacle-like fleshy roots, crawling across both the electricall and the magical circuits of the vehicle 

As he was tugged from side to side, the heat flowing like a torrent of fire through every aspect of his being, the demon questioned him again.

What’s the matter dear, are you so afraid you can't answer give me the answer? Why do humans want demons to be so powerful? Is it submission? Wish fulfillment? Make me feel what it was like to be a human again….  Through your hatred

But then… and only then… Bai tried to answer her

“夜魔莉莉絲,我已經給你答案了。 我是邪龍一族的白素貞,我為愛而生,為愛人的轉世尋找五百年,我還會等待五百年,甚至跨越我的轉世,跨越萬物。 因為我愛人類並與他們一起生活,我知道你的答案。 為什麼凡人要打龍、惡魔甚至神明的臉? 當你無法對原始衝動做出反應時,每天的鬥爭都是困難的,意味著無盡的複雜性和螺旋式的後果……來打擊我們? 這很容易。[Night Demon Lilith, I have already given you the answer. I am Bai Suzhen of the Drake clan.  I was born from love, and I have been looking for five hundred years for my lover's reincarnation, and I will wait for five hundred years, even beyond my reincarnation, beyond all things. Because I love humans and live with them, I know your answer. Why do mortals punch dragons, demons and even gods in the face? When you can't respond to primal urges, everyday struggles are difficult and mean endless complexity and spiraling consequences...to hit us? It's easy.]”

... Easy?”, Lilitu repeated, her white eyes darting back and forth from the candid snake to her summoner whose feeble hands were forcefully against her throat “... So you're telling me I am easy, uh?

To whom was it addressed?

Tension, nobody dared to move…

Seeming to melt in the violent grip of the summoner, muttering his name with a soft groan

Down the Demon Lord’s throat vibrations akin to a cat’s purr, escaped, her eyes rolling behind her head as her movements stiffened and then all of sudden, loosened, her wings slowly loosening back, tentacles back in feathers as she was bursting in laughter.

I like this answer, White Snake…. ah,  your love for that lucky man is strong if my presence does not affect you…”, she remarked candidly but her voice marked a sense of true hostility and contempt at the last part. Maybe it was why she had turned to Bai's master then…

Y a m i….

She earnt a glare from the young man, but he tone was cheerfully casual as ever

...Can you help me give birth?”, she said, getting a scornful growl as an answer, making her giggle “No, dear, what I mean is that I am about to deliver a child

“... right now?”

Lilitu nodded, spreading her legs while holding her stomach

I need some help, I have trouble controlling my winds during these moments… I may make the entire bus’ realm explode in a scorching storm if you do not help me…

The Summoner  finally yanked away from the grip he was with Lilitu, yelling loudly: “Bai Suzheni, Jack, Yeobul, Wechuge, Alp, Domovoy, please, get ready, we are becoming a Demon Lord’s obstetrician!...  All of you, be ready! I want to clean up as little as possible. … ”

Ammit’s water was appearing around the group, to seek and cleanse what was going to happen soon…


" What… The Hell", Yami said while holding the Demon Lord's engorged hirsute newborn staring at him with its single eye. Its limbless body, slimy to the touch, squirmed and failed in his hold, revealing several rows of needle-like teeth. The computer on its pistol identified the creature

image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=2250&dpx=1&t=1719042335Alukah Dagger

Demonic Spawn of Lilith named after a feminine Hebrew word meaning "horseleech" with the power to drink blood, turn into wolves and fly with their hair. In Jewish folklore, leeches are considered symbolic of greed and lust, with Alukah being vampiric creatures presumably mentioned by Solomon in his Proverbs. 

"Are yer tellin' me this is a newborn succubus, isit? 'oly shit, I 'ave never seen sumfink uglier in me life. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you.. And I lived in the slums o' London, mate!", Jack remarked grossed out, even Yeobul retracting from the foul odor

"나는 그것을 먹지 않는다 [I am not eating that]"

"What on Earth did you sleep with to get that, Lilitu?", the Summoner turned… But the Succubus had already stood up and was taking her leave

"Whatever, it's yours~", she remarked, not even bothering to look at her new offspring, just sensually stretching "Right now, there is something that I am more interested in

The Bus had stopped… could it be? It had reached Lilitu's stop. Tanin'iver had changed shape into a Snake like woman, Hellhounds and other creatures covering her lower body, a look the Kuzunoha immediately recognized because, despite her worn out looks, she was still alluring. 

"Eishtereth, the personification of prostitution", he muttered in horror, recognizing the demoness. Lilitu giggled as she saw at her Windows other demons, some alluring, others disgusting to even watch, latching and pressing their body, all chanting her name. Eishtereth followed in silence, losing blood from her ever gnawing brood

"Children, lovers, Asmodeus, my sexy Beast… Naamah, hotter than Hell, I am back. Scream my name ~", she greeted them before turning and allowing herself to fall out of the Bus door, many, many hands taking hold of her, all chanting her name 

"Dark Divine Mother! Lilitu! First Sinner! Dark Divine Mother…." 

She waved and blew kisses at her supporting brood and peers, stroking and nuzzling her favorite's faces, but she wasn't done with the Summoner, turning her head with a sweet smile

"Yami, I had fun. I look forward to riding you and all your summons again, especially sweet Bai", she said, her eyes narrowing towards the White Snake

"... With you", he corrected her. 

This made the Queen of Lust giggle as a huge geyser erupted, buffeting the demons in a fiery storm spreading across the entire plane of Hell. Only one stray lamia broke to lunge at the Summoner, but before she could even touch him, the Alp sneaked behind and forcefully held her, allowing Yami to cut her down with his newly earnt Alukah Dagger: its serrated teeth cut through the scaly flesh, draining it of blood her body shriveled to dust and crumbled in spiritual energy. 

Immediately, he shut the door of the Bus

"Putto, Ammit, I want this bus purified immediately. We must leave this place at once", he said, Jack suddenly stopping him. 

"Guv, right, yor tired. I 'ave the chuffin' weel, and we are returnin' 'Ome" 

Yami nodded, looking at his arms and the newly formed scars on them: they looked like burning cracks. 

Bai Suzhen coiled herself around his shoulder. 

" 莉莉絲的慾望幾乎讓你融化。 你的意志力拯救了我們。 現在讓我治愈你 [Lilitu's lust almost made you melt. Your willpower saved us. Now let me heal you.]" 

As she began magic spells, the Summoner gazed at his new blade, the disgusting leech pulsating with the newly digested blood. A question bolted in his mind.

“When Lilitu gifted us her child… do you think it was genuine gratitude for the good time, or a mockery for how poorly we fared against her?”

"... 我不知道。 我想連莉莉絲也不知道答案。 並不是所有的謎團都能解開。 重要的是……現在,你並不孤單 [... I have no idea. I don't think even Lilitu knows the answer. Not all mysteries can be solved. The important thing is... now, you are not alone.]" 
