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    • You looking fine.~

      • Oh, thank you~

      • "Just be careful, I've heard there's some dangerous plant-life out there these days~!"

        • "I'll trust you this time but remember what happened last time you said you had things under control and then that big guy who had a thing for you really messed you up? I had to carry you back to the training hall because you couldn't walk! So you better be careful!!!"

          • She'd give a deep blush before rubbing the back of her head. "E-er... t-that doesn't count, it was a harder mission than estimated, so... ... er... I-I'll be fine! H-honest~!"

            • 💓 1
            • "Rika I tried to warn you about this mission~!!! And look how things went, you had me worried sick~!" Poking at her large chest accusingly after the disastrous plant incident. "You are lucky I look out for you~!"

            • The little Imp looks up at her with a wide, goofy grin while holding his arms out. "I require hugs!" He insists.

              • She'd give a small giggle before reaching down to pick him up, giving him a soft, snuggly hug. "Eheh, of course, come here you~"

                • He wraps his arms and legs around her as she picks him up, clinging to her tightly. "Squishy!~"

                • *Gives her bum a nice firm spank*

                  Hasn't changed a bit :3, welcome back old friend.

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