Crey The Wolf

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Character Name: Creyox The Wolf or Crey for short alongside many other nicknames x_x; Description: My OC was mean't to fit into any verse/setting through either discussing, or just winging it. Aside from that, the character has two versions of himself. The human version which is fairly new, has silver/white colored hair, green hues, can wear gl***es if the person i'm rping with would like that. A slender build but does have some nice muscle, just not huge muscles. And lovely white skin, the character stands at around 5,8 5,9. The Wolf version mostly what i'm known for, stands at a looming 6,1 6,2 6,3 big muscular build, his fur color is mostly grey, sometimes with a patch of white on his chest. His primal urges tend to get the better of him, but he tries his best to control it. Both versions share the same personality, just the wolf being a bit more on the animal side. Powers: Depends on the setting/verse we rp in. Extra: Not much else to really say, dms are always open for rp or banter either is fine. (Does stream/YouTube stuff as a hobby/job)

Got to a couple replies. Will get to the rest later or tomorrow, i'm going to go rest. Still not feeling well x_x

Will get to replies in a bit.

Me happy sick but happy

Current Mood:

Got to all replies. If I missed anyone let me know.

*Yawns waking up covered in sweat.* Well i'm going to assume i'm ok now? no more puking sort of re-hydrated just really sweaty now x_x

Update: Been throwing up since 2am still am, I doubt i'll get to any replies today sorry.

Food to strong...don't want to move x_x

Guess I'm staying in bed today. Not feeling well.

Will get to replies later today

So tired...

Gets asked to send ideas. Starts to type out said idea's. Notices person left chat before reading said ideas.

Wake's up, a bit of drool on his cheek.

"Bro I must have been out like a light x_x"