Monster Control (MCRP)

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Rika Shoun is one of the newest members of the Monster Control Squad, an organization that is tasked to take care of various monsters, animals, and other non-human beasts that may be causing trouble for those who cannot defend themselves. The MCS is a well-known company that responds to calls immediately, deliver customer satisfaction as quickly as possible, and humanely remove the problem creature from the area peacefully, or non peacefully if paid well enough. Most jobs only take a few hours to take care of the issue, homeowners not even needing to leave their land for the MCS member to take care of the threat, though some dangerous creatures may require days to remove, requiring customers to leave their homes until the creature is taken care of.

That is the usual case for a skilled member however, but with Rika being a new recruit and having no real experience of her own, this leads to her having... issues, dealing with the job, sometimes causing customer complaints, refused payments, and demanded reparation when she accidentally causes more issues and damages to the property.

Rika is a kind and energetic young woman, eager to experience new things and make friends with everyone, though that sometimes makes her unprepared for serious situations and a bit of a klutz with the tools she works with. Sometimes she's called an airhead or gullible, but she just likes to be honest and open to everyone she meets. She doesn't like violence or causing harm to others, often trying to safely and non-violently capture the animals or monsters she's called in to take care of, even to her detriment.

She has been known to fall for prank calls often.

Name: Rika Shoun

Age: 24

Height: 5'5"

Weight: *Insert funny comment about girls and weight here.*

Likes: Animals, Spaghetti, Flowers, People

Dislikes: Heights, Thunder, Broccoli, Spiders

Jobs Taken: 5

Skills Aquired/Experience Gained:


(Other characters have been added to the MCS. Rika will take priority in RP's still, but for those who want more characters options are now available~)

A team more suited for long-range combat against monsters, often working well with teams that can distract enemies for them to pick them off from a safe distance.

A fire team more focused on bladed weapons with standard mission recons and monster elimination tasks, all general purpose and ease of deployment.

An elite task force that's sent on dangerous recon missions to gather intel, retrieve information for proper mission control, and swiftly eliminate dangerous monsters before they become a problem for the public.

An advanced group of the MCS, usually dealing with larger and more dangerous threats that can't be handled peacefully.

Individual members not assigned to any specific team.


: D *Gives her a big big hug seeing an old friend*

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