Feed Item

As of this notice, the "Remember Me" function has been disabled and the system for suspending inactive accounts will be turned back on this Sunday. People that have not logged logged out and logged back in, in some time are encouraged to do so between now and then to avoid any suspensions tripped by the bot.

The activity timestamp on the account is updated with each login, not actions taken per character profile.

    • Good thing I did it right now. Definitely don't want to get clapped.

      • 1
      • How often do you have to do it? Log out/log in? What's the time period?

        • With the remember me being gone, I'm sure you'll never hit the cap. I plan on setting it to 30 days.

          • 1
          • Alright, thank you.

            • 1
          • Also this is non negotiable. Please do not comment or ask why this is being removed. Just accept it and move on. Thank you.

            • 3
            • Probably a stupid question but do you have to log out with each character? or is it the account itself and doesn't matter which one you log out on it counts for all?

              • An honest mistake, but glad that it was verified.

                • Suppose you're right, I should enlarge the text and make it flash.

                  • Thanks for the insight I have fixed this bug.

                    • 😆 1
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