Ophelia Dragonseeker

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Name: Ophelia Dragonseeker


Species: Rainbow Dragon

Age: 220 years old (22 years old human years)

Height: 6’7”


Occupation: Prostitute

Appearance: She most of the time is in a dragonborn like form. (All dragon characteristics but in humanoid.) She also has her true Dragon form. In both forms her scales look as though she was made purely out of rainbows. Her left eye looked like a solid piece of moonstone while her right looked like a solid piece of rainbow opal. A set of horns rest on the top of her head curving back slightly than up. A second set sat behind her ears and the third set curved down behind her jaw. Currently her owner, Zacarius, keeps them shaved down to stumps. He has enchanted metal binders on her wings that keep her wings folded and trapped on her back keeping her grounded.

Backstory: Ophelia had actually led a very privileged life. She had been treated like a princess by her parents. They weren't actual royalty but they were well off and owned a sizable plot of land With a beautiful old mansion. Her parents had modest well paying jobs That allowed them Home most hours allowing the very close and tight knit family to have the time with one another. They happily watched the summer sunset before they retired to their chambers for the evening. Little did they know the sun had also set on the family's happiness. Ophelia awoke to a loud thud and sounds of glass breaking. Ophelia made her way to her parents room, occasionally calling out to them only to be met with silence. As she continued down the hall the smell in the air sunk A rock in her stomach and she ran for her parents room. Tears filled her eyes as she ran for their chambers. She slammed her palms on the door, shoving it open as she flicked the light on instantly regretting it. The sight before her brought her to her knees as she screamed. Movement caught her attention right as she was tackled to the floor pinning her face down. A group of black dragon's surrounded her. With one jumping on her back tieing her forearms together. After the lot of them quarreled about what to do with her, they decided to take her to whomever sent them. They brought her before a huge black dragon who seemed to know and have a thing for her mom until his men brought him her. He then put Ophelia to work as a prostitute and his personal sexual play thing. She wants out but she has several scars from past failed attempts. She hangs on to the faintest glimmer of hope that someday she may be set free from his cruel clutches.

Preferred Ideas: I will prefer to do stories where she is actively trying to get away from Zacarius, she's on the run from him, or with clients. HOWEVER I will be open to other ideas. So if you don't like those we can discuss and come up with a plot we both enjoy. ^_^

Kinks: Non-Con, Degradation, Humiliation, Heavy bondage and BDSM, Rough and Abusive sex, Rough and Abusive non-sexual treatment.

Limits: Watersports, Toilet play, infantilism

Hello all my migraine seems to have finally fucked off. Imma be in bed a smidgeon longer to make sure. Should be getting to replies in 30-45 mins.

Update: I can't handle it any more guys I'm going to lay down for a bit.. maybe I'll feel better after.......

Hey all I'm fighting a migraine so if I'm on but I haven't responded to you I likely am working on it or taking a breif break. I hope to be caught up on replies sooon..~

I work the next 2 days so replies my be stingy and sporadic. But after these 2 days I'll be off for a week.

Sorry all getting to replies this evening!

changed a profile picture