Masato Mizuno

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Name: Masato Mizuno

Alias: Frost

Alignment: Neutral Good

Hair: Sky blue

Height: 5’10



Part 1

Before the Awakening

Originally an orphan child on the street with a name unknown to even himself. The boy was found and quickly adopted into the Mizuno family by Hisano and her daughter Yuriko after he was abandoned and labelled a failure for lacking magical prowess in a world of ever-increasing magical beings. Upon his first day into his new family, he was given the new name Masato Mizuno. Life seemed to have been going well for some time. He was adapting to his family as they helped him experience the world around him. Masato was quick to form a close bond with his sister, fascinated by the stories he would hear from other villagers about her heroic deeds and how she was renowned as a prodigy and hero all around. Hearing these stories of her inspired him to work towards being a hero himself. He made it his goal to become a legend that others would speak of in due time so that he might one day gain the recognition of his sister. The two were almost inseparable, he stuck by her side most of the time, always diligently observing her, even on the most simplistic of tasks.

Years later their mother had disappeared after an unexpected 'errand' run leaving the siblings to fend for themselves. After their mother's disappearance, Masato confronts Yuriko, wanting to train under her. Hesitant at first, she eventually takes him under her guidance. It was only weeks later however when disaster struck. One evening after a training session, the two were enjoying a dinner together when an unknown assailant had broken into their home. Masato was the first to confront them and would have lost his life if it weren’t for Yuriko arriving and knocking him out of the way, taking a devastating wound from one of the blades that the assailant used. Seeing that his sister had been wounded sent the boy into a raging frenzy. He lashed out at the unknown being and served to make the situation only worse for the two siblings. Amongst the fighting the assassin had set fire to the home, the flames quickly spreading. Realizing that her situation was dire, Yuriko instructed Masato to flee from the home and leave matters to her. He was reluctant at first, but he knew he was only a hindrance to his sister with his inability to fight. Swallowing what little pride he had, he did as instructed and quickly fled the home.








Things I've learned today: I'm a damned loser. Oof.

|| How is it that I always manage to get sick in the summer and summer alone? I swear it's a joke at this point.

|| So.... Gender bender Fridays need to be a thing.

Sooo, just caught the Nintendo Direct. MMMMM finally, my heart is filled with hope!

Heading out for a bit. Will get to replies when I get back.

|| Going to get replies and introductions done later. Still having my soul drained at work for a couple more hours. I appreciate those who accepted requests and others who have been patient with me!

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