Von Lycaon

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Lycaon, or his full name Von Lycaon meaning "Of Wolf" in German, he is the undisputed leader of Victoria Housekeeping. Much like his name suggests, he isn't human, rather a Therin, an offshoot of the human species. While most Therin have a few animalistic features, Lycaon has far more resemblance to a wolf than man, a body covered in white and light grey fur, big fluffy tail growing from the small of his back, and of course a pair of canine ears atop his head. His attire resembles that of a traditional butler, although with a modern take on it, the leather straps across his tail and face that hold his right eyepatch in place to name a few. The most unique bit of his appearance though is below the knee, the bottom portion of each leg has been replaced with silver robotic appendages, granting him impressive speed and power with kicks; his preferred fighting style should no other alternatives present themselves.

At Victoria Housekeeping he is the least known of the bunch, many of the other employees commenting that they hardly know him, his past, or his interests outside of work. Some of that comes from his unflinching professionalism both on the job and out, striving to hold his team to a high standard just as he holds himself. It is safe to assume that his out of work hobbies would be mundane compared to most, possible just good tea and classical music is all that it takes to make his night.

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