Jane Higurashi

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Jane Higurashi


Twitch Streamer/Professional Gamer

pr3tty g@m3r br_t

Jane is your average pinkette with a heart of gold. Sweet. Kind. Easily excitable. She lives a life of luxury paid for by rich mommies and daddies.


likes: Rich daddies. Rich mommies. Having her pretty pussy licked regularly. Being spoiled. New games. Gaming set up equipment. Large allowances and jewelry.

dislikes: jerks. And guys who don’t moan in bed.

Selective this time around.

men and women welcomed.

dark romance. Taboo. Only.

limits: breeding. Pregnancy. Bimbofication. Mind control. Scat. Vore. Death.

Replies coming soon. Just tired.

discord available. Just ask.


changed a profile picture
changed a profile cover

Mmm. Frank.

Bully to lover trope anyone?

Miss me?? ^^

Reminder : please be patient with me as I get set up again. Replies to all messages coming soon!

part of my remake was because of how overwhelming my inbox was soo.. being selective at best this time around so if you’re here, you made it!

also: I would love a dark romance story if anyone is interested!