The Rogue

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The notorious bandaged and hooded goblin, partaking in all forms of thievery with no respect towards any authoritarian figures. Employing her services to those that want to acquire a particularly well guarded good, be it purely of monetary gain or an ancient artifact with unmatched power! She's been the culprit for some dangerous perils that have happened upon the land, but if she didn't do that then how would heroes find work? You don't become a successful rogue by fidgeting over the grand scheme of things, and how giving the all powerful ring to a certain overlord could bring upon the end of times. You get paid and you leave, simple as that!

While fighting is not her preferred method of getting things done, as it's honestly another bad trait for a rogue to have. By no means does she offer her services to assassinate people, but she's well versed in the art. That cloak of hers grants her invisibility, and with silent steps she's a force to be reckoned with given how nimble she is. Wielding a large tooth from a sea monster which was crafted into the ragged blade she uses now, her strikes tend to heavily wound anyone she can't outright sneak past. Of course at times when stealth is no longer an option and she finds herself surrounded, nothing a little goblin savagery can't amend. Darting around on all fours, she strives when outnumbered by weaving in between people all while slashing at any weakpoints, and if there aren't any she just makes one!

Truly a dubious little creature, but one you can count on if she's on your payroll~

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